Friday, July 31, 2009
LOL..It Figures
Shhhhhh !
I won't tell if you don't.
Pinky swear .
I was going to start this post , as I try to do with a graphic so I hit the home browse thingy.
And I get the recipes we have stored here.
HAHAHAHAH maybe I'm the only one that thinks that is funny since the origins for this post dealt with the finally thank God CT that we re finally getting this game going again and I am writing the interior character for Agnes Brown...
Let the game begin.
You have to understand that I am an old DND Game Master...
Yeah .
I'm am that old.
Going back to when it started.
So with my chums and mates we are about to start yet another format and another game...
Oh ....and CT...can we get some dialogue on the actual values for the attributes ?
I will overload your PM honey.
You know I will.
Aunty Pol
I Am Loathing Princess Jasmine Right Now

It's one of those times when I am right smack between a rock and a hard place.
Through a series of emergencies , the nature of which I neither know or care about , I have a situation where I have two sets of clients waiting for the same attorney..
This happens a lot ..
My problem is twofold.
1. One set of clients ( party of 3) has been very antsy . Then , there is fact that one of them has that now obnoxious ring tone " A Whole New World"...and she is a very popular lady.
She's just taken the fifth call in an hour, she's a pacer , wearing truly hideous perfume and by wearing , I do mean I think she's chugged this crap and it's coming out of her pores.
2. The other set of clients ( party of 2) has just come back , The attorney had to interrupt their meeting , leave the office on an emergency and so party of 2, being sensible, toddled off to a late lunch . After the party of 2 returned, the party of 3 flat out told them that they would have to wait as they , ( party of 3) were here first.
The attorney came back and grabbed party of 2 , saying " Lets finish this up."
As I silently gave the party of 3 the good ol Bronx cheer !!!!
Oh and did I forget that party of 3 has their lap top with them ?
With a movie that has some Tarzan-esque sound track to it , set at a level that is louder than I consider professional ?
And there ain't a kid needing to be entertained in sight ?
Dude...that's just tragic.
Have a great weekend.
Aunty Pol
So Wrong , And Yet So Hillarious

This is from PWTK ( Pioneer Woman Tasty Kitchen) and I am sorry, maybe it's my state of mind.
This is soooo wrong , it's hillarious to me .
Added by heidimarie on July 31, 2009 in Drinks, Malts/Shakes
Prep Time 5 MinutesCook Time
Servings 2
Difficulty Easy
1 pint Chocolate Ice Cream*
1 cup Whole Milk
6 bottles Guinness Stout (bottles Or Cans)
Preparation Instructions
Put 4 scoops of your favorite chocolate ice cream into a blender. Add 1/2 cup of whole milk. Add 1 bottle of Guinness Stout. Blitz in blender until thick and creamy. Pour into a frosted glass and repeat for each person who wants one. If you want to be extra fancy you can garnish with shaved chocolate and or whipped cream. (p.s. try adding a few oz of guinness to the whipped cream. YUM!)
I know it sounds a bit weird… but TRUST ME! Its delicious!
( NOT my quote, it's from the author Heidimarie )
No..I doubt we will be giving this a test run...bleeeech !
Aunty Pol
Yeah - It Just Keeps Hitting The Fan

I have known the SU for 22 years now , married for 21 .
I have NEVER , EVER , EVER seen him this angry and distraught.
He went back to the dentist yesterday with the full expectation ( read that to be totally got his hopes up ) that after a three week wait sans choppers that they would have fixed them so that SU could actually eat something as exotic and completely a cheeseburger.
He had given them three options.
1. Fix Them .
2. Remake Them.
3. Refund Monies Paid For Them.
Number one is no longer an option.
I could go on but it just frankly is too upsetting and I will get all worked up again which is neither fair to my job or myself.
We will be pursuing all options, legal and otherwise as needed.
Have a great weekend, we deserve it.
Aunty Pol
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Super Glue and Tiara's ~ Oh My !

No..I Do Not Have A Soap Box
Dear ****
With the Congressional recess just around the corner, your member of Congress will return home this week for the month of August. That means you could have the opportunity to meet face to face with your legislator or their staff to urge them to support "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal by becoming co-sponsors of HR 1283. We need to reach 218 co-sponsors, and we need your help.
Schedule an in-district meeting with your member of Congress:
If your legislator is already a co-sponsor of HR 1283, encourage your friends in other states to schedule meetings with their lawmakers:
With the possibility of DADT hearings in Congress this fall, now is the time to engage and keep up the pressure on our elected officials. Your involvement has helped build new momentum for repeal. Since we launched our 60/60 Initiative two weeks ago, we have picked up three additional co-sponsors for a historic total of 165. Your support in the days and weeks ahead will be critical on the road to 218.
Thank you.
Aubrey SarvisExecutive DirectorServicemembers Legal Defense Network
Can I Get A Transfer ?

Pet cat catches the daily bus for four years
A pet cat has caught the same bus regularly for four years.
Published: 7:00AM BST 30 Jul 2009
Casper: He has been making the journey for so long that all First Bus drivers have now been told to look out for him to ensure he gets off at the right stop. Photo: PA
Casper, which is 12 years old, boards the No3 service at 10.55am from outside his home in Plymouth, Devon, and travels the entire 11-mile route before returning home about an hour later.
On the route, the cat passes an historic dockyard and naval base, a city centre, several suburbs and the city's red light district.
He has been making the journey for so long that all First Bus drivers have now been told to look out for him to ensure he gets off at the right stop
Jedi's In Training
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Willpower....I Obviously Have None.

Crappity Crap Crap Crap Crap !
I think I need to see what the shipping would run on this because it's marked down to $ 80.00 from $ 269.00.
At a place that I have an account.
SU.......I think we need this .
Aunty Pol
UPDATE : Well now I am pissed off......mofo sold out. I knew I should have bought it this morning.
CRAP !!!!!!!!
Hungry Hungry Hippo

1 can Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
1-½ cup Cooked Chopped Chicken
¾ blocks Cream Cheese
3 tablespoons Butter
¼ teaspoons Onion Powder
2 tablespoons Milk
1 dash(es) Salt
1 dash(es) Pepper
Preparation Instructions
Mash cream cheese and butter together.Mix in onion powder, milk, salt and pepper.Stir chopped chicken into mixture.
Separate Crescent rolls into 4 rectangles. When unrolled and you will be able to see 4 rectangles quite easily. You can pinch together the perforated line that runs diagonally down the rectangle to ensure that none of the divine creamy mixture tries to make a run for the border. Or not.
Then spoon a generous amount of chicken mixture into the center of each.Close the pocket by pulling all 4 corners together at the top and again pinch down each seam to ensure none of the divine creamy mixture escapes.
Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes.
You Betcha !

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Finally ..I Need One Of Each

A New Addition To The Garden

India Carnation, Crape Jasmine, Pinwheel Flower
Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore Pleno'
Wonderfully fragrant clusters of pure white 1.5" frilly double blooms are borne throughout summer on this large shrub or small tree. Large glossy green tropical foliage. The fragrance intensifies as night approaches. More information may be found at:
Light: Sun to part shade or high light indoors
The NG gave me a new gifty to play with .
We haven't gotten in to as much trouble this year as we have before ....for example :
SU : " NG...!!! You have to stop ! "
NG : " What ?"
SU : " Every time you get a wild hair to hit one of the nurseries, whether Pol is with you or not drag stuff home and them I have to dig another damn hole."
NG : " So the problem is what , exactly ?"
We 've done more transplanting, re-potting , trading and so forth this year.
I had one open spot below the bedroom window that had one rose that just didn't make it through all of the weather this year , so NG said she had a plant ('s damn near a small tree) that needed to be in the ground.
Damn Skippy..I'm your girl.
" Oh Honey...can you grab the shovel ??"
It's gorgeous and I am going to try my as long as he doesn't object to the jasmine on the other side of the house by Big Red...
" Oh honey ......"
Aunty Pol
Flynn LIVES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A friend sent me the link to the Disney trailer...woo hoooo !!!!!
He and I are huge TRON fans , and one of my favorite pieces of B5 trivia is who played with Bruce Boxleitner in TRON ?
Answer : Peter Jurasik....aka Londo .
He had a brief bit in the very beginning of the film as the guy that dies in the first match.
Aunty Pol
Monday, July 27, 2009
Dibs and Dabs

Just when I think Russell T. Davies cannot possibly surprise me more.
Spoiler Alert : You have been warned.
I understand why they had to blow up the HUB . I really do. With Owen and Tosh gone , it makes sense. It's one thing to have all the toys you will ever need , and so forth with Torchwood having been around since Christ was indeed a corporeal...but there is an implied comfort zone laziness that comes into effect when all you have to do is tell Ianto to fetch whatever doodad you need to save the day.
It was eerie to see the behavior of all the children .Worse yet to see the affect their tuning out had on their parents/caregivers . Like most people, I'd probably think that the first time it happened the lil sh*t ( oops darlings ) are acting up and just not wanting to go to school ..whatever. Scarier still to see that it is not isolated to just my child or that one occasion. Add to that the brevity of the message...three words....only three....yeah , it would have creeped me out.
Balance that against the adorable normal-ness of Gwen and Rhys ( yeah ..kept his pants on for one whole scene ) and then the delicacy and sweetness of Jack and makes the later bit all the more hard to bear .
Ianto has a sister and Jack has a daughter Alice ?????
Jack has a grandson ?????
The whole five days were an awful examination of what people will do in the most extreme and how the loss of both hope and humanity can do the most damage of all.
I can't bear to think about it again , usually I an the one that goes.." Aw hell... I can watch that recording again....LOL.
Not this time.
Nor will it be the " OMG ..that was sooo good , I must have my very own widdle copy."
Cannot do was that sad and good.
I was off campus for a couple of days with back problems but am back now so I will get caught up...
Aunty Pol
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Must Possess

OMG..I want to make this NOW
I made this last night , 7.26.09 and it was to friggan die for. I didn't have time to run to the store to get the drumsticks so I used some boneless, skinless chicken tenders that I had . I did add more of the Chinese Hot Sauce ( the one with the rooster on the front.) because for the amount of chicken I had , a whole cup of apricot jelly seemed to be a lot. And of course , me being me , I added more of the garlic. I had some of the sauce left over so I thinned it out a bit and threw a bunch of steamed rice in the suckerware....sort of General Tso's and rice this week for lunch...wheeeee.
ALSO : I fixed the link so it should work.

All I can say is DAMN !
I want to make this sooooo bad.
Yes, this is from pioneerwoman/tasty-kitchen , mentioned in Fridays post.
Can you tell it's close to lunch time ??????
Chiggin Chiggin Chiggin Chiggin........don't start...that's the way Daddy spelled it.
Aunty Pol
Monday, July 20, 2009
No , We Do Not !

Friday, July 17, 2009
Happy Friday Y'all

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Me: “Can I help you, ma’am?”
Customer: “Yes. What are these?”
Me: “That is a fortune cookie, ma’am.”
Customer: “It doesn’t look like a cookie. Where are the chocolate chips?”
Me: “Ma’am, these are a different kind of cookie. You open them up and they tell your fortune on a piece of paper.”
Customer: “What kind of cookies have paper in them!?”
Me: “Fortune cookies, ma’am.”
Customer: “This is an outrage! Cookies are meant to be eaten, and paper isn’t EATABLE!”
Me: “Please, ma’am, the paper is–”
Customer: “Shut up! I’m leaving.”
(The customer begins to storm out but in her anger misses the door and walks right into the wall. When she finally stumbles out, I open up the fortune cookie and read its message: “Do not worry. You will get what is coming to you in life.”)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hot Damn
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Happy Bastille Day

The 1789 Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen was inspired by the American Declaration of Independence of 1776. The French Declaration marked the end of the Ancien Régime and the dawn of a new era. The Constitution of the Fifth Republic explicitly refers to this Declaration, which is now one of our founding texts.
The Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen, along with the decrees of August 4 and 11, 1789 abolishing feudal rights, was one of the fundamental texts adopted by the Constituent Assembly formed in the wake of the meeting of the Estates General.
Although adopted in principle before July 14, 1789, several drafts of the Declaration were discussed before deputies voted for the final text, after lengthy debate, on August 26.
It consists of a preamble and 17 articles containing various provisions pertaining to the individual and the Nation. It spells out such "natural and indefeasible" rights as liberty, property, security, and the right to resist oppression. The Declaration also recognizes equality, notably before the law and justice. Finally, it asserts the principle of the separation of powers.
Louis XVI did not ratify it until October 5, and then under pressure of the Assembly and the people, who had marched out to Versailles. The Declaration served as the preamble to the first constitution of the French Revolution, adopted in 1791. Although the Revolution itself subsequently reneged on certain of its principles and framed two further Declarations of the rights of man (in 1793 and 1795), only the August 26, 1789 text has remained in posterity. It is now one of the founding documents of our institutions, and notably the constitutions of 1852, 1946 and 1958.
During the 19th century, the 1789 Declaration inspired similar documents in several European and Latin American countries; The French Revolutionary tradition also helped inspire the European Convention on Human Rights signed in Rome on November 4, 1950.
The text
The representatives of the French People, formed into a National Assembly, considering ignorance, forgetfulness or contempt of the rights of man to be the only causes of public misfortunes and the corruption of Governments, have resolved to set forth, in a solemn Declaration, the natural, unalienable and sacred rights of man, to the end that this Declaration, constantly present to all members of the body politic, may remind them unceasingly of their rights and their duties; to the end that the acts of the legislative power and those of the executive power, since they may be continually compared with the aim of every political institution, may thereby be the more respected; to the end that the demands of the citizens, founded henceforth on simple and incontestable principles, may always be directed toward the maintenance of the Constitution and the happiness of all.
In consequence whereof, the National Assembly recognizes and declares, in the presence and under the auspices of the Supreme Being, the following Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
Article first.
- Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be based only on considerations of the common good.
Article 2.
- The aim of every political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are Liberty, Property, Safety and Resistance to Oppression.
Article 3.
- The source of all sovereignty lies essentially in the Nation. No corporate body, no individual may exercise any authority that does not expressly emanate from it.
Article 4.
- Liberty consists in being able to do anything that does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of every man has no bounds other than those that ensure to the other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights. These bounds may be determined only by Law.
Article 5.
- The Law has the right to forbid only those actions that are injurious to society. Nothing that is not forbidden by Law may be hindered, and no one may be compelled to do what the Law does not ordain.
Article 6.
- The Law is the expression of the general will. All citizens have the right to take part, personally or through their representatives, in its making. It must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in its eyes, shall be equally eligible to all high offices, public positions and employments, according to their ability, and without other distinction than that of their virtues and talents.
Article 7.
- No man may be accused, arrested or detained except in the cases determined by the Law, and following the procedure that it has prescribed. Those who solicit, expedite, carry out, or cause to be carried out arbitrary orders must be punished; but any citizen summoned or apprehended by virtue of the Law, must give instant obedience; resistance makes him guilty.
Article 8.
- The Law must prescribe only the punishments that are strictly and evidently necessary; and no one may be punished except by virtue of a Law drawn up and promulgated before the offense is committed, and legally applied.
Article 9.
- As every man is presumed innocent until he has been declared guilty, if it should be considered necessary to arrest him, any undue harshness that is not required to secure his person must be severely curbed by Law.
Article 10.
- No one may be disturbed on account of his opinions, even religious ones, as long as the manifestation of such opinions does not interfere with the established Law and Order.
Article 11.
- The free communication of ideas and of opinions is one of the most precious rights of man. Any citizen may therefore speak, write and publish freely, except what is tantamount to the abuse of this liberty in the cases determined by Law.
Article 12.
- To guarantee the Rights of Man and of the Citizen a public force is necessary; this force is therefore established for the benefit of all, and not for the particular use of those to whom it is entrusted.
Article 13.
- For the maintenance of the public force, and for administrative expenses, a general tax is indispensable; it must be equally distributed among all citizens, in proportion to their ability to pay.
Article 14.
- All citizens have the right to ascertain, by themselves, or through their representatives, the need for a public tax, to consent to it freely, to watch over its use, and to determine its proportion, basis, collection and duration.
Article 15.
- Society has the right to ask a public official for an accounting of his administration.
Article 16.
- Any society in which no provision is made for guaranteeing rights or for the separation of powers, has no Constitution.
Article 17.
- Since the right to Property is inviolable and sacred, no one may be deprived thereof, unless public necessity, legally ascertained, obviously requires it, and just and prior indemnity has been paid.
Bee-Otch Has Got To GO ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Check These Blogs Out

Some are the " dreaded cat blogs" , which stands to reason since we are the parents of six cats. These blogs are entertaining, whimsical and surprising in the willingness to take up a call to raise funds for charity. One to check out is :
The woman behind it fosters kittens pre adoption in the Seattle area and it that wasn't enough, also does some DIY crafting and the most wonderful pictures of her " clients" . I am in love with Orson...check out his picture in the right side of the blog.
The other one in this fashion is :
These lovely people work at STSCI and promote the adoption of abandoned animals . Follow the adventures of Miss Mama Peggy Sue and her kits....It's " Big Bang Theory " with tiny feets .
Others are ones that are devoted to the food service industry and I follow those because long ago and far away , I worked in it , ultimately managing a restaurant in Washington state.
Then there are the food blogs.....anyone who knows SU and I doesn't even begin to ask why.
I reply with a comment on some, and have developed a dialogue with those authors. Other times I have sent a reply when an author is upset because they have just had their first drive by from a troll.
I don't believe in anonymous posters, they are chicken shits of the first water and I personally would never do that. I don't care if people post shit in reply to me...I ignore it much as I ignore some blogs completely.
It's a matter of manners and good taste.
Check out a new blog , google a new might just be surprised , really.
Have a great weekend.
Aunty Pol
Thursday, July 09, 2009
And So It Goes
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Fabio Viviani

As I said in the previous post, there is a lot on my plate right now that I just do not want to go into right now.
Finally !