I have to out my head down now.
Aunty Pol

For those who know, love and understand me..no explanation is necessary . For those who do not , none would suffice .
OK...I got this from the King Arthur Flour site.....yes....I'm cheating on Miss Ree .
I'm gonna burn in hell anyway so might as well enjoy all the yummy pie-ness while we can.
Smooth and Spicy Pumpkin Pie
Is your pumpkin pie bland, or too spicy, or...? The secret to this pie filling is exotic Vietnamese cinnamon.
Ingredients View by: Volume Weight
a single 9" pie crust, your favorite recipe
2 tablespoons King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
1 1/4 teaspoons Vietnamese cinnamon
pinch (1/16 teaspoon) ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cups canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons corn syrup, light or dark
1 1/2 cups milk or a 12-ounce can evaporated milk
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
a single 9" pie crust, your favorite recipe
2 tablespoons King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
1 1/4 teaspoons Vietnamese cinnamon
pinch (1/16 teaspoon) ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 5/8 ounces brown sugar
12 ounces canned pumpkin
1 3/8 ounces corn syrup, light or dark
12 ounces milk or a 12-ounce can evaporated milk
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1) Mix the flour, spices, and salt in a medium-sized mixing bowl.
2) Add the sugar and pumpkin, blending thoroughly.
3) Stir in the syrup and milk. Allow the mixture to rest for 30 to 60 minutes, if desired; this will make the filling smoother.
4) Add the beaten eggs, whisking till combined.
5) Pour the filling into the prepared crust. Cover the edge of the crust with a crust shield, or aluminum foil.
6) Preheat the oven to 450°F.
7) Place the pie on the bottom rack of your oven, and bake it for 15 minutes.
8) Reduce the oven temperature to 350°F, move the pie to the middle rack, and bake for an additional 35 minutes, or until the temperature at the center is at least 170°F, and a knife inserted 1" from the edge comes out moist, but clean.
9) Remove the pie from the oven, and cool to room temperature (or chill) before serving. Serve with whipped cream, if desired.
Yield: 1 pie, about 8 to 10 servings.
Aunty Pol
Well Crap.
For what ever reasons, I cannot copy/paste the link I wanted for this story , so please zip speedy like over to :
Thank you very much.
Interstellar Goddess Miss Lisa and her partners in crime are those trusty folks that I have referred to before as the gang at the 'stute who foster and place abandoned fur babies in forever homes. One of their recent placements is our lil pal Gus.
The handsome lad shown above however is Grey.
He needs a forever home.
He is FIV +
SU and I are very familiar with the issue of FIV.
Jake , our first Marmy boychik had it.
Jakey J lived to the age of 12 or 13 before passing from a stomach tumor ( cancer) .
He had a full and happy life. Hell..he figured out how to open closet doors, turn on light switches and play pigs in space.
He was friggan brilliant and I miss him every day.
Sgt Andy Panda Pants is also a marmy.
SU rescued him from an abandoned house in the back of the subdivision.
My baby dude is about 3 1/2 and is FIV +.
We knew this walking in .
Try to take him and you will pull back a bloody stump.
There is a lot of crap out there about FIV.
Check your facts.
Double check them.
We are a multi cat household, they are all fixed and I would not hesitate to do it again or to help spread the word.
ROCK ON Grey and my pals at Spacepaws.
Aunty Pol....aka Andy's Momma
Ok trusty readers, and by that I mean Ms Calamity Anne, Miss Kanani, Miss Lisa and who ever else replies here.
Aunty P needs some help here wimmins.
Remember the great debacle about the Le Cruset Enamel Cast Iron Dutch Oven....?
The one Dillards had on sale ?
The one I debated over ?
The one that sold out while I dithered ?
That one ?
Well....let it not be said that when I set my mind to something..by Gawd...!
Macy's had Martha Stewart's gear on sale recently.
Do Not Start on me..some of you know my views on MS.
They had the 7 qt on sale for $79.00 for the round and $89.00 for the oval.
I had a $50.00 gifty card .
SU said the oval one would be better for us.
So that's the one we got.
Drive out with tax ( 8.25% )...34.00.
You know there always is one...
They only had the display in the color I wanted..I know ..how lame is that ?
I know they don't need to be seasoned ( Doh ! ) and with all things enameled that you have to be somewhat careful not to chip the enamel cause that will fubar it and make it look funkified.
One site says that " Easy Off" can be used to clean off the baked off crap..but personally..bleech.
Other sites say simple non abrasive soap...others still say " Soft Scrub".
Thoughts ?
My advice..don't buy anything without the thrice damn'd box or destruction's.
Thanks in advance for the sage wisdom.
Aunty Pol