Saturday, July 31, 2010
Another Adventure For The Aunty

Friday, July 30, 2010
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday ~

Oh Sistah ~ ~ ~ !

From King Arthur's Baker's Banter Blog
2 large cans ( 1 lb. 15 oz.) sliced peaches , drained.
1/4 cup ( 1 1/2 oz) pie filling enhancer to thicken the filling ( optional)
3 to 5 slices white bread, cut into cubes ( approx 4 cups cubes or 5 oz)
2/3 cups ( 5 oz) brown sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
2 Tbl. (1 oz) King Arthur all purpose flour
1 large egg
1/2 cup ( 1 stick , 4 oz) butter , melted.
1/4 tsp. nutmeg or sprinkling of cinnamon ( optional)
Grease 9 " square or 8 " round pan.
Combine peaches with pie filling enhancer if you are using it.
Layer the peaches into the pan and top with the cubed bread.
In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the sugar, salt, flour , egg and the melted butter.
Pour this batter over the bread cubes.
Sprinkle with the nutmeg or cinnamon if you are using it.
Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes until golden brown .
Serve hot or cold with vanilla ice cream , whipped cream or heavy cream if serving hot.
Serves 8.
Oh hell yeah we are gonna be making this when I am there...I'm ordering the pie filling enhancer right now .
Aunty Pol who is now officially starvin Marvin.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Recognizing Simple Kindness Where I Can.

The one I bought recently ?
See those ittsy bittsy red stones ?
I wore this gorgeous thing for the first time today and happened to notice that 2 or 3 of those stones are missing. I have no idea what happened so I contacted Miss Michelle to find out how to go about sending it back to her for repair. I will happily pay for the repairs but bless her , she offered to fix it for me and then add a few replacement stones just in case.
It's not about whether its fine jewelry or not.
That is never an issue with me.
If I love it , I buy it ..thus making it all " Fine " jewelry in my book...because yes..it is still for the most part all about me ~ wink !
It is such a delight to have wonderful one on one conversation with the artist/shop owners on Etsy . They pay attention and they care.
The other day, Miss Jere Lee was telling me that she walked out of our local J.C. Penny's after a fruitless 30 minute wait to get one of 3 clerks to at least acknowledge the fact that she was there with a sample show in her hand , wanting to make a purchase. Miss Jere Lee is a lot nicer than I am because I wouldn't have waited that long and I would have found a manager by GAWD to tell him or her that the 3 clerks that were less than 20 feet away from me couldn't be bothered to at least acknowledge a customer was there !
This seems to be the typical level of customer service these days and before I continue I must in all fairness own up to the fact that I did that sort of thing...selling retail, waitressing , managing a restaurant and that I am front line customer service ie..the main receptionist for a large law firm in Houston. I know the drill having done it for 28 years here....so I know my shit so to speak.
I do try on a daily basis and I know that there are some days that I fall sadly short but I have not and would not completely ignore a client/customer/victim..I know better and that sort of crap is the sort of thing that can and should cost the perp his or her job....on the spot.
No excuses .
Because I am one of those in the trenches so to speak and therefore even more sensitized to the nuances of customer service, when I see an example of the good ones, or am lucky to have been the recipient of such a pleasure, I do tend to publicly acknowledge the giver and the experience.
I love shopping on Etsy, and should there come a day when I have a not so good experience with a shop and or owner of same, it will be addressed there through the proper channels .
I will do my best to refrain from blasting someone here unless it is just one of those " OMG WTF ?" moments because I realize that for the most part , these artist/shop owners are women and I don't want my experience to have too large an effect on their livelihoods.
On the other hand, I assure you that when I have first hand experience or verifiable experience of bad service at one of the large ass 900 lb gorilla bricks and mortar..you bettcha I am going to rip them one here.
They don't care 99 % of the time so I feel no moral obligation to play nicely.
If you shop on Etsy...go check out Miss Michelle's shop..
Her shop is malves1009...or Handmade Jewelry By Michele
On the right hand side of the page, click the drop down box to where it says Sellers...click that and enter malves1009..it will take you right to her shop....I just double checked it to be sure .
It's free to join and lemme tell ya..they got some pretty cool stuff Maynard.
Remember..tomorrow is Friday..
Carry On.
Aunty Pol
Leapin Lizards !

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Perfect Pala

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Am I The Only One Who Sees The Irony Here ?

I am on Facebook.
I am on Facebook to keep in contact with people I don't get to see every day like the great niece or gaming buds, ( CE,BT,Bent) or to play the damn games.
I am very careful of the information that is out there regarding me. That being said, I know that privacy is an illusion ( My personal favorite bit of irony EVER ).
I have noticed more and more lately that former co-workers have some rather unusual friends on some of their pages. I know this because of the continual revelations that person(s) a used to make about person(s) b, c and/or d....that they basically couldn't stand the other person,.....yada yada yada...fishcakes.
The level of loathing fluctuated more or less on the day and latest incident of being/getting pissed off/pissed on so to speak.
Some of these folks were so constant in their rants that I usually found that I could tune them out, mentally buffing my nails and humming a few or 63 bars of the late great Freddy Fender's " Wasted Days and Wasted Nights."....it's a Texas thing .
It is one thing to suffer the interactions of the workplace when the combatants have to deal with each other..one hopes a modest level of civility is maintained and failing that ...there is the dream that one or both will either find another position in a galaxy far , far away or that they will get their sorry asses fired thus giving new life to the annual holiday Christmas party fodder.
And yet, in more than one instance , I see the pages of Facebook littered with the inclusion of the hated and the haters...common ground can exist it seems.
Huh Friggan Zah !
It does not lend itself to ones credibility when this is observed.
If you loathed the person in question , then why the fuck are they on your friends list thingy ?
If someone has done me ill or harm, or shown themselves to be the false , two faced lying mo fo's that I know they are...I move on.
I don't speak to them, I don't "friend" or "invite " them to be a part of my Facebook page.
I delete them.
I delete them fron my contacts list, Christmas card list, birthday reminder list, rolodex, speed dial , e mail, hot mail and any other list they may have ever been on.
And I move on.
I wish them no harm, I think no evil thoughts about them, I don't waste my breathe plotting revenge. I don't gossip about them, talk to others or post on any social network about them.
They have no place in my life..not now or ever.
In this I do not and will not waver.
So yeah..when I see that the dreaded "foe" that you maligned so joyfully to one and all is on your page...it makes me wonder.
Just how honest are you ?
I'd say think about it but this is probably a bit complicated for you as it is.
Carry on.
Aunty Pol
If It's Monday ~ It's John Barrowman Time ~!
Well dammit....I for the record hate the windows 8 CRAP that they have installed on the office .
Yes TALL , DARK AND LOVELY..that is for you by the way.
I can't c/p anything into the blog.
Anyhoo...it has been confirmed that there WILL be a Season 4 for our beloved show, and yes..even tho they killed off my Ianto , I am still looking forward to seeing how exactly Captain Jack handles the issue of day care for Gwen and whassits baby..sorry dude...your name escapes me at the moment. For more info , just google Torchwood Season 4.
You're welcome.
In other news..( Insert 1940's sound effect here ) ...I am back amongst the living...LOl. I have to say that this latest cold was amongst the worst in recent memory. Jere Lee ( ok...the NG's , neighbor gals , know that they are in the blog so I see no reason to not use their real names...) told me that he said that when he came home the other night that he had to jostle my shoulder because I was so sound asleep that he thought I was dead ....as in big dirt nap. Sorry dear...Defcon 4 level cough syrup will tend to do that. Let me put it like this...I was so sick I cancelled/reset my nail /pedicure appt ....yeah...I was SICK !
The house is not so bad as you would think, he will he at the Cajuns tonight to play cards so I can do a bit of laundry as I watch/record the Closer....I need a life it seems.
I am still pretty tired at this point so postings may be brief unless I find more really cool shit to throw at ya.
Have a great week .
Aunty Pol
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Hot Diggity Damn !

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Oh Dark Thirty

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Creamsicles For Young and Old

When The Day Is Shot To Hell

Friday, July 16, 2010
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday ~

I don't know why this is one of my favorites but it is.
Burn Notice Alert For Miss Lisa ~ Girl..next week is the episode with Burt Reynolds.
It's been an interesting morning ~ SNERK
The doors that are fubared are still such and as is my custom, I have taken both joy and zeal in my silent mockery of the looks on the co-workers faces as they continue to encounter something that is simply not going to acquiesce to their passive aggressive needs.
But alas, this has to end as all good things do . Someone had to place something over the sensor so that it is deactivated , allowing the doors to open. And the village idiots that make some pretense of servicing the security key pad have been called forth to scratch their asses and ponder the problem.
On the other hand, I have introduced the sistah to one of my favorite Etsy shops and she let it slip that she really liked one jewelry set.
Since these are one of a kind , I told her that I had already emailed the artist/creator with some questions and once I get the answers that I need..it's " Christmas In July".
Why wait ?
Other than that...it's going to be one of those busy weekends again so I am going to cheat. I'm going to make beef tacos Sunday night for dinners and lunches ..the meat will keep and I'd finally find the recipe from the " Good Eats " episode that was on the other night. Here's the thing tho,,if you use the Food Network site a lot and archive recipes..don't try to use the name of the recipe from a show or the hosts name, their search engine has a mind of it's own. If you can remember the day that the show in question was aired...search via the calender..down here , I can usually catch " Good Eats " at 10 or 10: 30 pm so that's how I found the mix recipe for the taco seasoning. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Have a great weekend.
Aunty Pol
Shame Less Shake Down Part Deux

For whateveer reason...GRRRR...the link below says " Blog does not exist when you hit Mr. Linkey...when that comes up..hit the link that is showing and it will take you to the page...or just google The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee...should get you there.
Yes..another shameless shakedown.
I had to donate a second time because at first glance I thought the bebe kitteh was holding a light saber.
" May The Floof Be With You ".
Donate if you want to or are able to, all y'all are good people either way.
Aunty Pol
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Yes Michelle, I Am The One Who Bought It !

I have been looking at this in my Etsy favorites all day long when I realized that I had the perfect earrings to match...a long brass key with a black bead covered on lace and a small red bead accent..
NARF ~ !

We had no idea that his happened after work. Hisself had not heard a traffic report so we had no idea that the access to the 59 HOV was the only way on 59 North and that they were diverting ALL evening commuter traffic to the HOV.
The usual 24 minute ride home..hey...Everyone in the HOV does 80 mph as a rule..don't freak out on me here...took an HOUR !
And of course we had to stop at Tarjay after that before we hit the Casa...another hour.
Thankfully Miss Lisa I am dvr'g the Burn Notice Ep ...LMAO.
There is a huge batch of Bread Pudding to be done tonight...in one of those industrial size throw down pans..then a large carrot cake to be made for something he has going on this Saturday and I have Red Velvet cuppy cakes to make and decorate for Miss Jere Lee's birthday also on Saturday...wheee.
The decorations are too cool by the way..every one deserves to be a Princess ( dammit) once in their lives..
But..on the up side..tomorrow is Friday..I get the hair done and so ..yup...simple things.
Bonus today..watching the co-worker freak their assess off as the card/key pad for one side of the lobby decided to quit at 5.
Of course walking just a bit down the hall to get in the other way was just too hard for their widdle selves to cope with ..hee hee.
Extra Bonus points for me watching all of this , silently mocking them all.
Have a great Friday.
Aunty Pol
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Simple Things..

You're right sweetie, it is indeed the simple things in life that we need to hang on too.
Today ended all right at the office , once I reminded myself that the idiots will always be idiots,...and I will remain fabulous .
Having Miss Jere Lee for a neighbor is almost as having the sister of my heart as a neighbor...almost.
They have a lot of the same mannerisms .
When we came home today, hisself had already made a mini run to Kroger for stuff so I didn't have to wait in the car..anyone who knows me knows that I abhor stores..especially the grocery variety...hot flashes, screaming toddlers and cell yapping spandex wearers make me just..yeah ..you know.
When we got home ,I saw that Mr. Trejo had done the yard and had weeded the flower beds so the other neighbor..the recent widder had been able to catch up with him.
Huzzah !
I am not willing to put myself through all of that when I can hire it done and frankly , after all the rain we had for the past week and a half...sold.
Miss Jere Lee had left a note in the dining room for us letting us know that Gracie Marie REALLY wanted out so she let her out. With a heat index of 105 degrees right now we are very careful about that but since it was four-ish, MIss Jere Lee knew it was kewl.
She had also left us a goodies in the fridge....chocolate yummy goodness that she had baked as a thank you for letting her use the square headed lover in her job search.
To recap:
Tidy flower beds, mowed grass, clean patio and chocolate cake.
Have a great tomorrow and..Lady L ......
Wheee !
Aunty Pol who can actually hear the siren call of the cocoa beans !
Matching Earrings For The Win !
For CT - Love Ya !

Bastille Day

Yes, it's one of my favorite holidays and one that my family celebrates.
The other is September 19'th aka " Talk Like a Pirate Day "
Enjoy either or both .
Carry On.
Aunty Pol
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Has It Really Been 25 Years ?

Friday, July 09, 2010
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday ~

Thursday, July 08, 2010
A True WTF Moment

Hello Little One !

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Todays Happy Place

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Friday, July 02, 2010
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday ~