Friday, December 01, 2006

I may have figured it out..LMAO

As noted in the previous post...I am in sorta a blues mood..and no not Eric Clapton, thankyouverymuch.

Last night it occurred to me that part of the problemo may be that if I see one more commercial for the holidays where there is a party and the commercial shows ANY of the following:

1. Perfect clean home .

2. Perfectly decorated clean home .

3. Perfectly decorated clean home with oodles of lit candles perfectly placed for the most attractive ambiance .

4. Perfectly decorated clean home with oodles of lit candles perfectly placed for attractive ambiance and everyone dressed to the teeth in shiney holiday clothes .

5. Perfectly decorated clean home with oodles of lit candles perfectly placed for attractive ambiance, everyone dressed to the teeth in shiney holiday clothes and perfectly behaved children and pets also merrily attired in clean, fun , shiney clothes .

6. Perfectly decorated clean home with oodles of lit candles perfectly placed for attractive ambiance, everyone ( furr folk included) in shiney party clothes and a table full of perfectly cooked and presented food.


I am going to go feral.

Where is it written that we have to have all of that shit ? We overstress, over plan, over compensate and over spend every year. We swear that next year we will start earlier ( Hah) and plan better ( Again,,Hah). We create this artificial Martha Stewart / TLC / Food Channel concept that says if you don't have the proper linens...plate chargers...whatevs that you are a social pariah and will be fodder for gossip amongst your social peers for years to come.



** IT should be noted that the above mentioned we is not specifically SU and I or our is a generalization of the commercialism of the concept and the Sheeple they pander to.**

Resume rant here:

Anyhoo....Every year SU and I have our dinner party. Years ago our gang of cohorts decided that rather than one more lousy chain restaurant dinner gift exchange thingy that everyone would come to our House . SU is a great cook and we have a small kitchen I clean the casa and he does all the prep and cooking. It works out. Everyone brings wine they either like , want to try or want to recommend . It's usually the crazy cajun and his wife and another couple that we've run with for 18 years. Attire..jeans...footwear optional in the Casa. I like to throw parties, and will clean the joint..but know also that these guests are more family than " guests" and don't give a rats ass if I didn't lay out the good china. The white dishes from Tar Jay work work quite nicely. Those only got bought because one year I realized I didn't have enough pfaltzgraff sans chips to use...and I personally draw the line at serving anyone except me and the SU on a chipped plate. I was raised better than that. I'd like to however get new slipcovers but whatever...and if we can't have the party till January because of commitments or schedule conflicts..fine too.

They know that I am not Martha Stewart..will never be Martha Stewart and still love me as I love them. I didn't notice the usual places in the paintwork that need swipe because SOMEONE WILL NOT KEEP HIS MITTS OFF THE WALLS..HINT , until I saw those commercials and almost thought..jeeze..I live in a dump. Almost thought.

It may or may be a dump according to ones viewpoint..but by GAWD it's mine..and fully paid for.

I may or may not get Christmas cards done. I have a pretty good idea what to get for the gifty things on line for those I love...and as for the rest.........WHATEVER. If I can get the tree etc up..fine..if not....fine too.

Peace Out

Have a great weekend.


Aunty Pol


liberal army wife said...

AMEN!!! In my case, there is also the "perfect homecoming for R&R" that is supposed to happen. Where I get to the gate in plenty of time (yes, if you have a military ID and show that your spouse is coming in on a flight, they give you a fake boarding pass to go to the gate) BUT, what usually happens is I dash like crazy... and the damn plane landed EARLY! and he's standing there waiting.... or when we get home, the cat will have torn apart the nice centerpiece, the dog has snagged herself on the lit garland on the stairs...

As for parties... we don't do them, we live WAAAAAAY too far out of town. Maybe in the next place.


Aunty Pol said...

Amen to that Sistah

Love Ya