Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spring is here ~ sorta.


I love this city for more reasons that I have time to list and all y'all to read. We've had a few glorious days of early spring, aka mid 70's . This is precious to us since for the most part we tend to greet visitors with " Welcome to Singapore ." Hey...Dad thought it was funny .

Anyhoo..along with Mardi Gras, we have all of the trail riders that mount up for the rodeo. These guys and gals are amazing, it's a real trail ride y'all, not some whiny ass Yankee going , " What do you mean Ralph Lauren doesn't make the proper riding boots ?" Ahem...wrong gear, saddle, seat and party there bucko . And today , as usual, it's clouding up .

Bear in mind , in some ways this is a blessing in disguise for ol Pol here . When the weather first gets nice, the NG's and I get that look that SU fears. Eye's glazed over, we browse the garden center ads. Plotting out planting and calculating the actual precise amount of mulch we will all need. The answer to that by the way is more than we bought. Usually by this time of the year all of the crepes ( crepe myrtles to la touristas ) are pruned. The Biskits ( Hibiscus ) are leggy so they get immediate surgery and we wait on the roses since it is not unknown to get one last cold blast here . I have to be careful as I personally will go nuts and try to trim all of the roses in one weekend . Then Mr. Back Spasm pays a call. At the last count we are down to about 25 rose bushes , so I hope to get it done soon . Some have been replaced, some not .

Then there are the weeds.

Dear Lord, the weeds.

I can bear anything but the thrice damned Bermuda grass. It is the bane of my existence and I will prevail..wait and see. Maintaining the beds is not the issue. I can do that . I am good about deadheading and keeping all of the pots on the patio in good shape. It's just getting to that stage.

SU says that I am right on schedule..all of the catalogs are coming in the mail . and people wonder about my birthday gift choice , for example :

Him: " Honey , given any thought to your birthday gift?"

Me: " Um..nope."

Him : " Any ideas ?"

Me : " Yeah ."

Him: " Care to share ?"

Me : " Mulch."

Ah, the glamerous life of a homeowner.

We're half way through the week kids, have a safe and happy weekend.

You deserve it.


Aunty Pol


Ingrid said...

I saw the post of Zeus about this contest with a rather strange name. I didn't know about it at all but I liked your comment and that's why I wanted to have a look who wrote it. Besides that I like your title, lol !
I have four cats but I am not a blogging cat. I just write stories out of their lifes. Of course I didn't fit in this blogging cat community but I am unable to write that I scratched on the sofa or that I am sitting on my husband's belly and purr. That's why i founded "CATS ON TUESDAY". It is a group of cat lovers who write about their cats once a week on tuesdays. Now we are a bunch of funny people who writes about their cats on tuesdays. But there are also people with cat blogs or even blogging cats. You should read the stories ! So funny ! If you want to join the group just let me know !
my cat blog link is just on top of my main blog writer's cramps.

Aunty Pol said...


Thank you so much for the reply. Like you I rarely write as a BLOGGING cat unless I assume the guise of Sgt. Andy , of the Patio Patrol..a kitten my husband brought home last mothers day . I have read your blogs and love them, I see that we have the same taste in music. I have read our blogs and love them,.....really.

FYI..Aunty Pol is named after a beloved character from David Eddings " The Belgariad ." I am a huge fan of Science Fiction and Fantasy and currently play in 2 rpg.s ( role playing games ) . One is based on Frank Herbert's " Dune " and the other is based on 16'th Century Feudal Japan. I just kept the name Aunty Pol..tho you may also see the name Boschka..c'est moi.

Have a good day