Rock On Harris County...39,000 People Early Voted Yesterday.
Yes indeed, people got up , got going and got to voting early.
I may lose things around the house , I mean really, who hasn ' t...but I always know where the voter registration cards are, right on the fridge by the photo of Daddy and Mary....We are die hard get out and rock the vote people and while I won't say who I am voting for..nunya people..seriously people...nunya bidness...I walk the circuitous path at the office...it is enough that we vote.
Other than that, it has been a dull week...the mission this week is to acquire a new crock pot. The one we have is more than 30 years old , and only good for keeping Queso hot...Jacque Penny has a 6 1/2 qt Hamilton Beach programmable with my name on it...Pot Roast here I come.
The kittehs are all happy and healthy ..life is not completely dire.
Have a great rest of the week ...
Aunty Pol
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