What the FRAK ????????
This show is going to drive me bonkers...straight up , the ship is singing nuts. I get that Gaeta has been slowly going over the edge, the fact that his leg is making him crazy is enough to see that clearly . Anastasia's suicide didn't help tho it was understandable . She was always the fragile one , and to accept that the hope and promise of a refuge, after all the promises ( lies ) and verbage of Pythia was hollow...dirt nap time for our Dualla. I get that Madame Airlock doesn 't want to puke her ass off anymore, that her time left is finite and precious , and in choosing to be with the Admiral is the closest thing to family and happiness that she will be allowed to know .
I get that in destroying the resurrection ship , that the Fleet has leveled the odds and that the Cylons have given what little they knew of cooperation to the cause of survival....but..
They destroyed the hub.
The skin jobs can no longer download into a fresh model when they are killed.
Saul killed his wife via poison on New Caprica when it was revealed that she was collaborating with the Cylons .
Ellen Tigh is DEAD !
So how the FRAK is she going to come back ??????????
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol
I wanna know what's with the clothes. They look kinda stuck out there in space wearing combinations of yoga tops, combat pants, and business skirts. Sort of like they got beamed up from a bad TJ MAXX experience.
Sorry for the delay in reply Kanani..I agree..and each epp is getting worse. Granted last weeks was hard for me , having lost a child ..but Ellens June Cleaver dress was a bit much....sheesh
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