Okay..okay..In my own twisted little mind , this made me laugh my ass off...for ten..that's right...10 SOLID MINUTES.
It's sooooooo Minnesota , in it's own lil way.
I know it's my final destination, since I still can recall with both glee and mirth ( patent pending y'all) the phone call to the beloved father proclaiming for all the world to celebrate the following :
Me: Hi Daddy
Him: Well, hello yourself.
Me: Guess what !
Him: Err,...no...don 't have the slightest..
Me: Um....okay. Guess what ! I'm no longer the Whore of Babylon !!!!!!!
Him: Out right laughter ( SCORE ! - A rarity from the paternal unit..you'd have to know him)
How so ?
Me: Well...It seems that the cousin..Blah de dah has been cheating on her hubbs and they are in the process....TaDah !
Him: Ta Dah ?????
Me: Yuppum....I may be the first divorcee in the fambly ..but not for being a slut....I hereby give the Tiara of Trampiness to Blah de Dah...long may she reign.
Him: Chuckle
Me: You know me daddy , I am easily entertained...
Have a great day.
Aunty Pol
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