I am going to be a slug today.
The biggest choice I intend to make is flipping back and forth between the marathon's of " Criminal Minds " and " NCIS ".
Ain't life grand ?
For once, I got all that I planned to do accomplished. The carpets have all been shampoo'd, ceiling fans cleaned, baseboards done...ditto both bathrooms, thanks to the SU...laundry....
So today is for me..facial....heating up the parafin wax for the hands...hair conditioner....
Now all I have to do is work out a custody arrangement with Miss. L regarding Merlin,...yeah girl..I saw the note..LMAO.
Have a great and safe holiday, be careful and let's leave our respective jobs and thoughts thereof until tomorrow.
Aunty Pol
P.S.....And this post hits the 200 Mark !!!!!!!...Okay..that is only important to me !
What Evs !
Go with NCIS!
Now how did you know I would ...LMAO ???
Harmon FTW
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