Sorry...had to go there.
Happy Friday y'all.
Thank you Lord, thank you Jeebus !
We all managed to survive the annual Holiday Par-Tay last night.
It was really lovely and no..I am not using the typical Southern Lady lovely as a substitute for God Awful.....because you know I do so worry what people think of my verbiage....NOT !
The hootenanny ( whole lotta hoot and a lil bit nanny) was held at the Crystal Ballroom of the Rice Hotel.
I have always loved the Rice..or Rice Rittenhouse as it was originally called. It was the last placce that JFK stayed overnight before Dallas and at one time was the capital building of Texas.
It has been fully restored and then parts of it are for sale lease...but you have to almost be the Sultan of Brunei to afford such digs.
Anyhoo....absolutely to die for appointments and architecture . I could have burned up a whole card with the digital on that bit alone.
Outstanding food and service BTW.
We had a great time, SU had fun as always and it was nice to be able to get a bit gussied and go out since we hadn't been out in a year .
No one died, no one needed to be killed.
Tomorrow is the party for Mrs. Crazy Cajun..her 50'th .
It starts a noon.
I've done enough cards for today...so I am going to see if I can google the Cajun version of the 12 days...if I can find it , I will post it here....y'all will die laughing.
Have a great weekend.
Aunty Pol
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