My Best Friends.
The Family I Choose.
What can I say about these goobers.....
We never landed in jail.
That was a bit of a surprise at times.
These are the people that make me a better person. The gentleman is one of a very few men I know that I trust completely . The kind of person that will be there at the 2 am crisis, no questions asked to get you out of peril or who will just be there .
He is also the one that will have the balls to razz your ass when you call with what appears to be a crisis when in fact it is something sooo stupid he will tell you that you are being a dumbshit and then laugh....and then listen anyway.
He is both kind and smarter than he will ever realize.
He is surprisingly modest in his way , thoughtful and not afraid to be completely mental when the sillies take over .
He is my friend and I love him more than my shoes .
The lovely lady next to him is his bride.
The woman has the biggest heart and the most insane giggle of anyone I have ever known. Be careful when we are on the phone because we will be laughing so hard , we have to gasp for air.
And then have to go pee .
It's a girl thing.
She loved me enough at one point to wait for me to ask for help when I needed it, never mentioning the black eye(s) or bruises I thought I was so clever about hiding.
She never faulted me for my choices , or berated me for not taking action sooner .
She gave and gives me respect.
They both do....God only knows why.
Like her husband , she will bear witness to the truth when I need it and is my port in the storm that I can come home to .
The bonus is that they both just love SU .
They know that the second time around makes up for the torment of the first.
They have given me the gift of being their child's Godmother and have allowed me to be a part of his life every day.
In many ways they have filled the empty part of me that formed when my own children died and did it with such joy and generosity that it would be amazing except for the simple fact that this is simply who they are.
I hope they know how much they are loved .
I hope we have another thirty years together.
They make me better every day.
They are my family.
Aunty Pol
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