Let me preface this by saying that I only want the best in this situation.
What a hell of a week.
I was speaking to the NG's tonight and NGC ( ok...Cindy) said , having been through this for a very long time with her own recently passed father that this is a roller coaster.
The highs and lows are not that graphic but this is the way it feels.
I need to get my work filters back in place.
It's harder than hell when you get the calls at the office not to freak out.
I am not the sort of person who can hide my feelings from my face.\
I can't lie worth a tinkers damn .
It's all right there.
But, I cannot function as I need to with out putting the stops in place.
No, Mother is not worse.
In fact , there has been enough improvement that they have moved her from ICU to a private room.
Will she go home ?
I can't answer that.
Will this go on ?
My husband is exhausted, physically and emotionally.
I am letting him do what ever he wants.
Sleep is a big issue right now for us.
This situation becomes a moment of episodes...and we are living between them.
We are trying to desperately re-establish our routines to try to hang on.
Other than here, I will have the filters in place.
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts who have said prayers, kept us in your thoughts and who have been here.
A huge hug to Lady L.
Blessed Be.
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol
((((Aunty))) No words honey, just prayers for strength and rest. For you and G and mom... all your family.
ok just breath and know that all these hard situations pass and then here the joy comes!!
like muslims say: after any difficulty there's ease and freedom and when you know that God is always with you what are you afraid of?
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