Oye..what a cluster F.
If there is an easy way and a hard way...we ALL know how this one goes..
I have been paying off bills for the past few years in an effort to be one of those weirdos who is debt free. SU and I through some circumstances of our OWN creation got in the hole a bit before he left the road 7 or 8 years ago. For the most part I have been successful and I cannot tell you the joy and sense of accomplishment I feel as they are marked paid in full. It can be done, it is very hard work but it can be done.
I have been making payments to one company since August of 2008 , and the debt will be satisfied this August. I send a cashiers check certified mail on the first of the month and I have copies of all documentation.
On Saturday , we got a notice from the USPS that we had some mail to pick up so he goes lickity split off to pick it up.
It consists of 2 certified mails that are being returned to me as they are not forward-able.
SO..here I am first thing this morning trying to contact this company in Abilene....oh goody, the primary number has a disconnected auto response attached to it.
I spend far too much time today tracking down a number to call and deducing whether this account has been sold or transferred.
I get a number and call it .
The young man on the other end says that since I got an attorney involved at inception, I need to get permission from one of the attorneys here for him to speak to me. My original attorney had left the firm so...um..yeah...
I call one of the attorneys here and she is a peach..she calls and gets it all set up.
And yes...for whatever reason the majority of people at the office ( mine) are still wound tighter than a tick .
At least " Harry's Law " is on tonight .
Oh and if you decide to try that pepper steak slow cooker recipe I posted a week or so back...decrease the salt ( 1 tsp) if you don't use low sodium soy sauce...I thought it was a tad too salty tho SU said he may have been a bit heavy handed when making the rice salt wise.....just sayin. Oh and ..I almost forgot..when I first make a recipe I follow it to the letter....this one called for 2 lbs of sirloin beef cut into strips.....eep!
I'm going to use stew meat or round steak next time.
The recipe was discussed over dinner and the 4 of us ..me..SU, Jere Lee and Cindy decided it was a keeper..Miss Cindy cleaned her plate....lol .
Stay warm and have a great week.
Aunty Pol
You go girl! I'll be lifting a brew to you in August and cheering as you scream, "I'm debt free!!!"
The miserable thing is, with no notice to you, if you had not spent your time and effort to track the dirty dogs down, they'd be down your throat... with penalties... for not making the payment.
You just keep being weird, woman!
Oh honey..August is partially debt free, I still have a ways to go but I do in fact see light at the end of the tunnel..As long as it's not Northern Pacific..LOL
Love ya
It's not sweetie! You just keep that snowball rolling! So I'll be lifting a brew to you and the SU to another milestone in August, then!
Been there, was doing that. With you in spirit all the way!
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