The above picture is not my foot.
My feet are prettier after a Pedi by Gawd !
It is simply to illustrate the usual Monday question and answer session I often have with myself.
"WTF have I done to myself now ? "
See the area at the base of the big toe and the lil dude next to it ?
No I didn't slice it open..been there done that.
I must have stepped on a rock or somesuch when I was insane in the garden because that Mutha hurts !
It feels like a deep tissue bruise and I may have to play " Lets make a mess on the living room area that you just spent a whole day cleaning with the carpet cleaner,..tho come to think of it Epsom salts don't make too bad a mess.
Other than that it was a lovely Easter.
I did in fact take Thursday off to clean carpet and I got it all done but the den and the guest room which is just as well since SU will have to help me clean out the floor ..aka the chair mat and take as much out as we can since Xena has had some accidents in there and dammit ..that's where the PC is...
This is just not a case of her being bad or willful.
She like her mother has IBS and sometimes lil accidents happen.
There is nothing that the vets can do..she's only 11 but ,as all pet parents know..um..yeah
Happier thoughts :
The brisket came out just bitchin good. I had to laugh at the table last night when I told SU and Miss Jere Lee that we has us a " Real Redneck Easter thang" going on:
Brisket, pinto beans from Mr. Crockpot, chow chow , tater salad, and the Kings Hawaiin bread that Jere Lee and I love.....ok....SU and I had some red wine so we were " Piss Elegant".
The yard is wonderful and would be super groovy if we had any $%^&&*() rain.
No Sistah..none yet.
Jere Lee gave me an Angelonia/Snapdragon hybrid for DEaster so I need to go to Chrome Depot for one more clay pot..looking forward to hopping around the patio and yard with a bum paw.
I got the rose ordered from Jackson Perkins for the bed around the mail box..Go to their website and look up container roses, the one I ordered is a miniature called Hot tamale. It's colors were more vibrant that than the original Mardi Gras.
Flowers ( pink tulips and purple iris's ) have been ordered for the step mother for Mothers Day and I threw some loot at Nee Nee for the MOD walk this coming Snday ..so all in all a good day.
There is another rant for Sci Fi channel but that needs to be a stand alone post..strap in ..they have pissed me off yet again.
Have a great week....Lent is over so grab all the chocolate you can .
Aunty Pol
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