Andy : Hey Loki !
Loki : Yes , Bubble Butt ?
Andy : I am not a Bubble Butt...I'm dah FLOOFINATOR !
Loki: Whatever . Why in Bast's name did you wake me up ?
Andy : I has a secret...I has a secret and I'm not tellin.
Loki: No..you're too dumb to know what a secret is.
Andy : No..I is not too dumb..you're a meanie. I'll show you..My secret is.......
Loki : Yes...?
Andy: I saw a snakey thing in dah howse !
Andy : Yuppers ! I'm gonna tell MINE mommy so she sees what a brave big FLOOFINATOR I is.
Loki: Andy..dude..I know you've been here a while but trust me...we have no snakes in the house. Mommy hates snakes...and you'll freak her out. Remember when the metal machine got smacked ?
Andy: I'll prove it, follow me !
Andy : See..a ginormous snake.
Loki: Holy Carp...it's all the way in the guest room. We need to hide and think..maybe it's time for treats and a nap...go bug Daddy and Uncle Moron.
Andy : Okey Dokey...........treats !!!!!!!!!
What a weekend.
We had it all planned to prune both big and little Red which was great to get out of the way ( thanks honey) and then off to get all of the crap off the den floor to clean the carpet.
And the carpet cleaner quit...then starts on it's own , then quits one final time.
So off to Slammin Sammy's to get a new and bigger badder one which is the one that we should have gotten in the first place and not been worried about a few bucks one way or the other.
Remember , with Xena's condition, we wore the hell out of it..it's not intented to be used on a daily much less thrice daily use.
Homeward again..love the machine ..it's totally tits up !
Then Jeri Lee calls from the parking lot at her hairdressers..the ball joint on the passenger front wheel went splat..and Triple A is on the way. Of course I can watch the puppys as she heads to the mechanics and then her sons to borrow a truck.
And SU nearly scalds himself in the shower that night....NO COLD WATER !
I kid you not..he reads this BTW and may feel free to verify with a comment.
Sunday night, imagine my bliss when I am now in the shower...wait for it....AND THERE IS NO HOT WATER....none....zip ...nada.
I do so love shaving my legs in a cold shower.
So last night..the hose got hooked up to the tank to drain it into the flower beds as SU and Jeri Lee went off to Lowes to buy a water heater, thank God she still has Donovans truck..not so much room in Lola for that sort of thing .
And so SU and Uncle Moron ( thank you Steve - you rock) are home installing the new 40 gallon heater..as I realize that I am going to dread next months water bill.
I hope there is hot water tonight or it will be a repeat of last night at Miss Jeri Lee's and Miss Cindys back door :
Knock Knock..." Hello , May I borrow a cup of hot shower ?"
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol
1 comment:
Oh, lordy... good thing I just went to the loo or we'd have a real mess here. I was laughing so hard. No not AT you, hon. Really! I swear!
I could just picture it all. Wishing you warm and lovely showers for the foreseeable future!
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