Lady Lisa wrote the sweetest post over at Space Paws and a couple of her followers sent condolence purrs. I can't even begin to express what that meant to me . People talk about "crazy Cat ladies" who blog and they are oh so wrong.
The cat community that I have found and in some small way belong to are the most loving, giving generous people out there . They raise money for charity, awareness of feline and canine issues and are never afraid to step up to the plate as needed.
I am finally able to cry for Andy and count my Lady Lisa and all others like her as a real life friend.
I am so very lucky.
Blessed Be.
Aunty Pol
We read on the Cat Blogosphere that your beautiful boy Andy has gone to the bridge. Although we did not know Andy we do know how difficult it is to lose a beloved companion. Please accept our sincere condolences.
I read about Andy's passing and wanted to say how sorry I am. When a friend goes it doesn't matter whether they've been with you a short time or a life-time, the pain is the same. Andy's memories will remain with you, and through them, he will, too.
Oh, honey, you are such a wonderful friend. We want to be there for you.
It was Cats of Wildcat Woods (http://wildcatwoodscats.blogspot.com/)who let the CB know about Andy's passing. They are indeed wonderful. Visit the CB to see the awesome portrait of Andy.
Me readed about Andy going over the bridge at the Cat Blogosphere and me wanted to come and leaves comforting purrs for yous. Wes knows how difficult it can be. Yous is in our purrayers.
Nellie and Kozmo and the hairy slobbery sisters and Mommy and Daddy
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