Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Memo To The Staff

                                            ( Unpaid Celebrity Spokes cat Model )

Dear teh Mama and teh Daddy ,

I has been a very gud kitteh Dingbat so you needs to give me mah treatios first before stinky goodness and then again after.  I has been not screaming at the door and I has been sleeping in the bed that the Mama got for me so I deserbs treatios at all times.
Your Dingbat

Gracie Marie did something that I have never , ever seen her do last night. Normally she is pretty laid back and will indulge her Uncle when he wants to play " Spin the kitty ." She actually encourages him by running back to him for " again . "

Anyhoo, Miss Thang was lying on the nip rug and all of a sudden....

She discovered her TAIL.

Mind you , there was little if any nip left onteh rug as I had hoovered Sunday so that was not the cause. She absolutely got bug eyed when she discovered it and I have never seen a cat funnier laying on her side doing a curly spin as she tried to grab her tail.

I think my daughter has od'd on cabin fever and discovered her inner kittenhood...or she's just plain batshit nut.

Could go either way.

Happy Friday Eve.

Aunty Pol

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