Monday, March 30, 2015

Yes.....I Am Actually Ouisa...MWAHAHAHAHAH !


The planters are all done.

All 39 of them.

New Petunias, new geraniums, new daisy's, old plants  trimmed and fluffed.

New roses planted along with Oriental lilies at the mailbox.

Planters all top dressed and watered.

Yard watered

Oh my Aikin Gump.

Sorry..there is a law firm here in town by that name and I use that phrase  a lot it seems.

Other than 3 weekends so to speak of planting mayhem, March has certainly been one of the odder ones in recent memory.




And yes, more rain.

It was  so pretty that even with the dreaded Pollen Agita...and we are headed into a 3 week plague of it right about was just too damn pretty this weekend. will keep and as of Friday, I will be on vacay for the usual birthday week present I bestow on my self. I no longer make the Websters version of a list, I just know that there are some things that I really need to get done, should do and want to do so the inevitable result will be a mixed bag of all three..but what the long as laundry is done aka clean towels and skivvies, it's all good.

I am going to need to wrestle my lap top from the hubs tho. He has some fercacktah setting on the pc on the den . When I go to the lil ol bloggy any format, it says " Gordon's Blogs."


Have a great week and save some Peeps for me !

Aunty Pol

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