I adore Julian Sands, I really do.
Beyond " Rooms With A View".
I loved the bit he did on SG1 as the Ori leader...fantastic part of the ending of a beloved show.
I was thrilled when I had heard via AIGN ( Ain't It Great News) that he had been cast as Jor-El.
Woo to the Hooo !!!!!!!!!
It almost made me forgive the jumping of the sharkiness with the friggan Zombies ( I mean really...just kill me now. You got rid of the Magnificent Bastard and his spawn...(bad ) and got rid of the squirrel ( finally!)....
ZOMBIES ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
WTF ????
But then you lured me back with Major Zod.
Nice bit of back story that .
But you couldn't even let Kal-El have more than 30 seconds with his father /father clone ?
And for what its worth.....my money says that Shelby killed Jor-El.
Please Gaia don't renew for Season 10.
It's over.
I can't wait to see how they fuck up " Justice League".
Aunty Pol
Lost. Didn't get into Smallville (at least I assume that's what got our Aunty's goat).
So, woman, how's the mouth? I see the fingers are doing fine! ;-) Like to wore me out... four posts for a Friday nite! Whew!!
Mouth is better,,,,LOL..yeah Smallville....I grew up a comic book fan...forgave the show a lot ...but...MEEP !
Now Gordy is sick with what I believe to be the flu..yeah..lets hear it for the flu shots.
Ah yes... flu shots.
First, glad the mouth is healing and hoping for a quick recovery for Gordy!!
Second, gripe... have had two canceled on me because of non delivery. So I'm knee deep in audit and praying I don't pick anything up. Can NOT afford to be sick right now.
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