Thunk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone that knows me knows that I am a DIE HARD REE " PIONEER WOMAN~TASTY KITCHEN " fan...and those who really , truly know me ( Sistah and quite possibly Lady L at this point ) know that it is in fact an acceptable moment of irony that..MOI...a city gal who loves dah city and is not at all high maintenance ( STOP laughing Sistah ..I CAN hear you, even down here ) ..adores, worships and flat out venerates our Miss P-Dub.
Her voice doesn't even bother me and frankly since there ain't a snowballs chance in hell that she or anyone that she in fact knows would or will actually read this ..it is safe to say that she is the exception to my rule.
Women with that thin, nasally speaking or singing voice ( yes..this is you Olivia Newton John) drive me BAT SHIT CRAZY.
Miss Ree ( see I respect her , in the South it is expected of one who has been raised right to remember the proper forms of address )...Miss Ree...I love you but you have a thin voice.
How in the name of Bast do you pull off an Ethel Merman impression ?
Damn , she must be good.
I digress.
Miss Ree will be on " Throw Down " with Bobby Flay next Wednesday, November 17'th, 2010.
Check your local listings.
I will be taping the show and it will be changed from the auto erase to the manual erase..hint hint Hubby.
Now, if Miss Ree would just finish the next cookbook...
Any wonder I am hungry now ?
Aunty Pol
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