Holiday Weirdness..
No , I don't mean weird shit like Great Aunt Elna's fruitcake...don't ask.
Holiday weirdness , that special time of the year that generally makes Ol Pol here cringe and then think of bourbon with fond memory ..having moved on to Vodka and Cranberry juice..hey ..it's healthy ! Don't judge.
Bear in mind that you could for all practical purposes put what I know about kids in the eye of a needle and still have room for a full size sleeper sofa,
Cooking , I know.
Baking , I know.
Gardening , I know.
RPG's and being a GM , I know.
Kids...not so much.
That being said, of course I am going to ask beloved nephew and his wife what to get the Princess for Christmas.
Jeans....jeans with both a button fly and elastic in the back at the waistband because this child is the only one in our family who has NO ASS at all and has to hike her drawers more often than not.
Drawers = pants/jeans for you Yankees out there.
So there I am at the Mall at 6:50 pm.
At J.C. Pennys.
The first bit of weirdness is that we get a parking space fairly close to the entrance..but again it is early so I figure I have hit that spot in time where it's really enough that the folks haven't hit the mall just yet..SU says that since I don't need his expert opinion, he's just as happy to wait in the car with his buddy Sirius radio.
Coupons in hand ( hey...I'm a pro at this ) ..off I go to peruse the land of size 5T. Granted, even I know that this is at the top end of the scale for this size bracket so of course , like the perfect bra size..36C..mixed metaphor much (?) ..off I go to find the specifics that she will need. Then I realize that her birthday is also in 3 weeks so I'd better get something birthday-ish while I am there.
Little girls clothes...is there anything cuter ?
Okay Pol..calm down...be reasonable.
Off to find the register..yep...just look for the line.
Sunovabitch...they actually have more than one cashier there...and they are pleasant...and helpful...WOW !
As I navigate my way towards catalog to pick up some boxes it hits me just how bad the economy is....very few people are shopping...folks that are working retail even are grateful to have jobs at all.....
I hope that things turn around for all of us and that the economy picks up because while I am the first gal in line for a sale, coupon in hand...part of me misses the hustle and bustle that immediately sets my teeth on edge as I consider the trek to the mall at Christmas...
And that my friends is pretty damn weird...even for me.
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol
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