She Lives !
Yes darlins...Aunty Pol is back from damn near what felt like the brink of death....I kid you not , SU was right there with me , sniffles and all.
Yesterday for the fist time since Thanksgiving, I was able to clean the Casa and heh heh..trust me ..it was needed. Of course , it took me three times as long to do what bits that I did and it was by no means a complete job but what the hell..I can live with it. SU doesn't seem to get that when the house gets to a certain point..sick or not, I cannot stand it nor can I function in it. It depresses me..it really does. I get depressed enough as it is when I am sick and truth be told, I probably have been borderline with depression for the majority of my adult life but since I consider my plate full as it is....depression will just wave to take a number.
It's gotten cold again down here, or what passes for such and everyone at both of our jobs are getting hit with the crap that we has and I doubt that the weather is helping. It's not cold enough really for a hard freeze, tho to hear the weather wonks tell it , it is. LOL..tell that to Sistah and Double Oh..not to mention Pyro..they will laugh their asses off as they watch the roads and schools close. I have made the executive decision that regardless of when or if we freeze, there is going to be some changes in the flower beds....can you hear me now Hydrangeas ? I love you, I adore you but you are a hell of a lot of work for not a lot of result and I am tired of the water bill.
We are so far behind on the holiday stuff it's not funny. Cards haven't been bought and other than the folks and immediate family most likely won't go out this year..I just don't have it in me this year and I am giving myself a pass for once. It's going to be hard enough keeping the youngest brother from going off the deep end as it is...you see I just found out last night that our step mother has recently had 3 biopsies , and at least one of them is positive for cancer..I don't know more than that right now. Chuckleheaded Yuth or Chuck for short was all " Call her now.."...Um....dude..honey..it's 9:30 here ( 7:30 where she is )..I can barely talk and you need to calm down. This is her news to share in her own way with SU and I . She is 80 after all and by that point , most of us have has some sort of cancer scare. I am sure that she wants to tell the step sibs first of all, and have a moment or three to process all of this...AND...she knows that we just lost SU's mother to cancer just under 7 months ago...I did get her a belated birthday card and sent it off....we will do what we need to do for her..be cool.
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol
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