Lawdy Jeebus , what a hoot.
So today is Jeri Lee's big ol bad ass birfday.." Happy Day I gave My Momma New Stretch Marks " sweetie.
So mah girl decided last month that she wanted to go to Coushatta..LOL.
So the four of us leave about 10:30 Saturday morning and it was raining a bit so we were all happy happy joy joy ...even hisself a lil bit as he was the driver. It was a nice trip on the way over on the country roads and so of course we had to stop at the border to get lottery tickets because I for one thought that buying out of our customary area might increase the chances...NOT !
First stop was Delta Downs in Vinton. It was a nice place, a bit on the small because after all the main attraction is the race track..but all in all it was nice. The slots were so so, I mean after all, who actually thinks that they can win on slots..really ? Me..I am such a chicken shit about stuff...gimme the penny slots and I am a happy girl.We stayed there about an hour and then on to Lake Charles and lunch.
If you ever get to Lake Charles, you HAVE to eat at Pat's of Henderson. Now the lunch prices cut off at 2 pm ( and we of course missed that by 4 minutes, I kid you not ) but still...OMG the food was good . It is a bit pricy but absolutely worth it. I highly recommend the stuffed Red Snapper or the Oysters Bienville ..and I don't LIKE oysters...nuff said.
On to the Rez .
Coushatta is ..ok I guess. The slots are tighter than a professional virgin if you know what I mean...lol and the table games are 3 deep waiting for a chair so bear that in mind if you go . My thing is that the damn place is packed so tight it works your last nerve . And.....DO NOT get between some Granny or Grandpa in a walker or chair and the slot that they want because let me tell ya buddy.....they WILL take your ass out !
I lost what I expected to and had a ball watching people . I think that there were some extras from " Mob Wives" because I haven't seen that much over dyed hair or bling dah bling since Atlantic City !
Of the two, I really prefer Delta Downs, it was more open and folks were a bit friendlier . And we decided, us girls that it that we will play together....Jeri has a gift for finding the beverage babe better than anyone since the Rat Pack in Vegas..she IS gifted...!
I really prefer Harrah's truth be told, it has a different vibe and I do miss the days when you could actually get a bucket of nickles to throw in the one arm bandits...credit chits for pay outs and sliding bills just doesn't have the same feeling....
All in all , a good weekend even though SU really was rather bored by it all..the next time it will just be us girls....look out people.....you HAVE been WARNED !
Next up Cake designs by Acme or why that damn cake looked like it was done by a 3 year old hobbit.
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol
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