Happy Friday Gang !
Not a whole lot going on this week , I suspect it is the end of summer kind on doldrums that everyone experiences. Other than the rapturous smiles on the faces of parents as they prepare their little tax deductions for the new school year, it's dull as dishwater around the joint.
Yes, it is still hotter than Satan's Underoo's and I have given up on the lawn. We are going to do what we can to save the flowering plants ion the beds but the talking heads in the t slant v are no longer kidding when they say that we may not have any rain till October.
While it's too hot to really cook, the visage of my ample , voluptuous ass indicates that I am in no way in danger of starving..my ambition for the cooking this weekend is no more than cold boiled shrimp and a huge ass spinach salad...and before you think that the world has ended and I have become...gasp...a smart eater..never fear...there will be bread to go with it.
The crazy Cajuns are having a wine pairing at their house tomorrow night which on the surface sounds terribly hoi poloi, but the reality is that they loves them some wine and it is a great excuse to drink fun new wines and eat our weight in nibbles. Our contribution is Knorrs spinach and artichoke dip and some stuffed Japs. While it is not required or requested that we bring a dish, they know us and know we will be bringing the groceries. It will be fun to meet new folks ..always is and so that is the extent of our jam packed social calender...that and laundry and attending to what ever the latest spot of cat urp on the carpet we are gifted with.
Ain't life grand ?
Aunty Pol
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