The top photo is an actual one taken during Jurrican Ike, September 13, 2008 at the Seawall Monument on Galveston Island. The Hurricane of 1906 almost wiped the island off the map.
Having survived Ike amongst others, it behooves me to share the following tip:
" Don't forget to hurricane proof your furr babies ! Don't forget their carriers records, food, litter needs, beds, toys, PROZAC and everything else to keep them from a full blown freak out ."
And..for you puppy Mommy and Daddies..the same applies. I am not biased and if I could have found the above with a puppy I would have posted it too.
IF you are in the path of IRENE...get out. You may not have experienced a hurricane before , or think that people are exaggerating or over reacting..
IF you need to hit the ATM do it soon..no power means you are screwed . Same goes for gas at the stations. Get your gear packed, your important papers, prescriptions , checkbooks,etc together. We were without power for 10 days. ...In Texas..... If you have a hard time figuring this...go look at a map. look and the bottom of Texas..that's Galveston Bay . Now..look a bit north at IAH ( Intercontinental Airport Houston aka the BIG one.) .SU and I live literally across the road ( FM 1960 ) from the new runway.....This is how far north IKE came. The actual f'g storm..not the heavy rains..the hurricane itself. We were lucky to have no structural damage to the house , and believe me , we were an exception in our neighborhood.
Beat the traffic and leave if you need to .I doubt you are going to be able to get any plywood or duct tape at Home Depot before long..
We had trees down..massive damage and the gulf coast shore line permanently changed.
Trust me...we lived through IKE 3 years ago this coming September 13'th and it came up the bloody chip channel.
Be safe..it's just easier.
Aunty Pol
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