Dying for Chocolate: Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Triple Double Oreos: This post is "reprinted" from DudeFoods.com with permission. What could be more awesome than Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Triple Double O...
Janet, dear Janet..why do I find your wonderful posts as I am starvin Marvin for lunch....You're killing me honey..and it's payday and I have a nickle or two to spend..sigh.
Just kidding.
Dying for Chocolate has become one of the top 5 blogs that I read first , of the blogs that I follow.
Space Paws, IBKC, Cranky Waitress, Here..Taste This round out this group.
I don't know that I would ever do this because SU just isn't that fond of Oreo's , but a gal can dream can't she ?
Mentally, my voluptuous ass has just expanded into the next zip code.
And in reality, I still can has cheezeburger , mebbe...it's payday after all.
Off to look for new Bruce pictures and to check out dudefood.com
Have a great weekend.
Aunty Pol
Triple double one I don't care..anythiing chocolate is welcome:) Great idea;)
Awwwww, sweetie! Hugs!
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