Excuse me while I lay my head down on my desk for a minute as I think I have a case of the vapors..!
Back now and all better.
Happy Friday y'all.It's been a long week with nothing special baked or to report which is fine in it's own way.
I did discover one thing today that I thought was pretty damn cool.
One of my favorite singers who is in her 70's now is releasing an album this coming Tuesday.
Yes, for those of you under the age of 40 , a lot of people your parents age still call them that so just deal with it and get over it.
She was primarily known for a few songs in the 1960's and contrary to popular beliefs is the one that wrote " Bette Davis Eyes"...not as many mistakenly believe to have been penned by Kim Carnes.
Can you guess who ?
I'll put her picture in the next post , I'm curious to see if anyone other than me knows who it is.
Have a great weekend...we all deserve it.
Aunty Pol
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