Friday, March 30, 2012
I don't Know If This Is True Or Not, But It Makes You Wonder...Yes It Does !
Carry On .
Aunty Pol
Happy Friday ! Bruce Of The Day ~!
Happy Friday everyone.
I owe a solid shout out to Miss Frieda and Lady Lisa who tactfully reminded me that I had no need to go bat shit crazy over the changes Blogger has made as indicated in the previous days post....all I had to do was use Reader.
Voila !
I still do not like the changes one bit and Frieda is right, I DO NOT like it when someone moves the furniture on me , much less moves my cheese, but I an not in charge of them and over all they have been the least Orwellian of the formats out there so I will adjust....dammit !
Six hours and 8 minutes to go and then I am AMF until April 12'th.
Part of my brain is almost giddy at the idea of all that time off, the other part of the brain has the biggest freaking list of stuff to do imaginable.
It's what I do and Lady Lisa and I have talked about this issue.
I know what NEEDS to be done ( Honey....ceiling's time dude.) and I know what I want to get done and one can tend to bleed over into the other and then I either :
A. Kill myself getting it ALL done.
B. Get so overwhelmed , that NOTHING gets finished..started..YES....finished ....NO.
I'll keep all y'all posted on the progress..because being the good blogger that I am...of course I will be taking a " break" from what ever chore I am in the middle of....blogging can sometimes be a better diversion than tv.
Aunty Pol
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Dear Blogspot Powers That Be
Dear PTB's
I would lilke to start by telling you that your little site is one of my best friends. I visit every day, sometimes more than once if I can. My husband enjoys you . I have reccommended you to others. I have been kind and faithful to you , I have forgiven your lapses in judgement but I am afraid that my tolerence is nearing an end.
Your former friend ,
Aunty Pol
Chocolate for a Leaner You?
I knew it.
Boop Ms. Linky above for the story.
Daily chocolate intake is necessary for maintaining good health.
So , I deserve Cadbury creme eggs and anything Russel Stover makes in the chocolate covered marshmallow variety...
That's it !
I'm making Rocky Road for mah birfday .
Dr. Aunty Pol who is prescribing Midnight Milky Way's for everyone !
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Happy Birthday !
Friday, March 23, 2012
SIstah....I promise Not To Do THIS !
Happy Friday ~ Bruce Of The Day ~ !

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
It's The Same Damn Thing People !

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
A Letter To Andy

Happy Vernal Eqinox !
Happy Vernal Equinox everyone.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Creamy Chili con Queso | Baking and Cooking Blog - Evil Shenanigans
Yep..Happiness, thy name is Queso.
Full Disclosure Dept :
There are some nights that SU and I can't come up with a dinner plan , or are simply more lazy than not.
We can happily make a meal out of Queso and chips.
And..we have used Velveta and a can of Rotell ( extra hot pls) to do this
We are lazy peasants.
But this recipe is different because I have NEVER seen one that has eggs in in.
Boop Mr. Linky to check it out .
Aunty Pol
Glorious Treats: Pretty Spring Cake {Vanilla Cake with Lemon Fillin...
Glorious Treats: Pretty Spring Cake {Vanilla Cake with Lemon Fillin...: Spring comes early here in California, and with tulips and daffodils blooming all around our neighborhood, I was ready for a little spring...
It's gray and cloudy and windy and icky and dagnabbit..Monday !
Lady Lisa is going to kill me for loading up another fat bomb here , but what the hell. I am sure that she will be retaliating soon ( Mwahahahah) so alls fair in love and frosting....and cake....and oh my.
The thing I like about this post over on Glorious Treats is the fact that she shows you in a very simple way how to do the petal effect on a cake .
And she provided the link to My Cake School which is the top link....more easy peasy steps on producing petals....or DRAGON SCALES...lmao.
More often than not, a lot of the very pretty techniques in baking are just outside our comfort enough that the idea of even trying , much less thinking it will be okay is not even considered.
I read the recipe and the links and thought, " I bet I can do that , that might just be a hoot and then some.
And I love lemon.
And turning the pastry bag inside out after the frosting is all applied to the cake to get the excess frosting out of the bag..and I admit it freely.
If your day is dreary, save the picture as your screen saver, it might cheer you up and it's not like you have to marry it ...unless you want to that is.
Aunty Pol
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Aunty Pols Real Life Recipe Review # 1

Friday, March 16, 2012
OMG ~ Look What I Found For Pyro and Baby Mama's Lil One !
Happy Friday ~ Bruce Of The Day ~ !

For Gracie Marie

Thursday, March 15, 2012
I Heart Joe Pastry

Happy Birthday Miss Bean !


Donuts .
Mix. Done and done.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
What's Up With All The Brussel Sprouts Lately ?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The New Cook Book Is Here !

Ree has done it again.
This thing is so friggan beautiful I can hardly stand it.
More Walter !
And yet..may be it's me , but it seems heavier on the photo's than it does on the actual recipes.
Maybe it's the new layout. It will take some getting used to and I still would recommend it to any one who loves to cook. Yes the recipes are there from the last episode and I am craving the steak bites right now...but what the hell.
WTF , She's got her French Onion recipe in there....I think I lurvs her !
Sistah's copy is on the way to her and I hope she loves it.
Damn thing is though , I'm having a moment..
Did I send her the first one, I know I sent her the one about Ree's and Ladds courtship..
Brain Fart for the win.
Aunty Pol
Friday, March 09, 2012
Baaah ~

Lamb chops, leg of name it..I'm nom'n it.
Capers !

I Love Williams Sonoma !

Thursday, March 08, 2012
Entitlement Never Goes Away, It Just Finds a New Sponsor.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012
A Note From Your Mother - AKA The Lady Who Actually Has Thumbs .

Dear Xena,
Dear , waking up your Daddy at 1:51 am by smacking him in the head with your paw and screaming in his ear is not going to get you food or treats.
It will however get you Pilot Lessons.
Ok...Daddy would not do that because he loves you, you are a tiny lil lady and most importantly..Mama would tear him a new one.
But just quit it.
He's gonna be cranky all day which irritates the Mama.
And when Mama's not happy , no ones happy.
Your Mama.
Jumping Jeebus H Christ !

Give people ( oh you know I am talking about work here , don't deny it ) the opportunity to fuck something up in the name of a good cause and we are your chosen demographic.
The firm has supported one charity for a very long time.
I won't name them here because I am frankly appalled at the way that this has gone and don't want to associate the victim with the assholery here.
Most of us donate through payroll deduction , I do and have done so for years because it's a worthy cause and my voluptuous ass can do without a pizza every payroll period.
A lot of folks donate.
I wish more did but that is their private decision..I respect that .
I honestly do.
There is a contest between the two floors to see who can accumulate the most pennies.
I brought in a small plastic jug full.
But in this competition, there are some pretty fucked up rules.
Silver coins count as a minus.
In other words, if you slip a nickel in the jar, for the competition purposes, -5 cents is deducted from the total...someone over thought this much ?
Dollar bills are encouraged..
Folks..when you all carry on like this , acting like you are in junior high, the Shareholders are gonna get pretty pissed off.
Some already are.
Carrying on because one floor has one collection bucket and the other has 2, sneaking in silver coins to mess up the other floors chance of bragging rights....what..y'all are 12 now ?
It is a good cause, but when supposed grown folk act like this, the PTB's are less inclined to let us have various legitimate fundraisers.
Point in case....don't get me started on how all y'all fucked up the Humane Society and animal shelter fund raisers.
Aunty Pol
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Dear Favorite Shopping Emporium

Where pray tell is my flatware ?
I know that you sent me a not that it had to be ordered from the vendor, but......
Where is it ?
I am trying to be a good woman and exercise some self restraint because of current events but it is becoming more difficult the closer my birthday comes.
I want the flatware.
I need the flatware.
My current flatware is wretched, to the point that it even embarrasses me to have the girls use it .
I have looked, high and low, hither and yon, across the vast entity known as the interwebs in search of something that I like and that SU would at least tolerate for my sake.
I know that you are not the Michelangelo pattern that I adore, and I am fine with that because at an average of $50.00 per place setting and we use them all me..I am not going to pay what is damn near close to two thirds of the price of one of the tickets to the Coast that I am hunting and would for damn sure cover the cost of reupholstering my chair....
I like this pattern, it is a mixture of harmonious designs that look like one had the time and or money to cruise up and down Royal Street in New Orleans antique hunting for silverware.
Sadly, I have neither .
Of course , it will come in when we are not there...
I'd better remind the girls.
Aunty Pol
This Ones For Daddy !
Happy Absinthe Day

Trust me, I have more than a couple set aside to sell.
Friday, March 02, 2012
This Just Made Me Smile...A Lot !
Happy Friday ~ Bruce of the Day ~ !