I wish a lot of the jpegs I could find of mah boy were bigger , but what the hell. I am amassing quite the collection of Mr. Campbell.
No huge plans for the weekend which is the way I like it. I prefer my emergencies unplanned and the crisis de'jour to be a surprise.
It's like a free gift with purchase and at my age, I will take what I can get.
Have a great weekend.
Aunty Pol
You, too, Aunty! (Have a nice weekend, that is.)
Thanks for the Bruceter smile to start it off... hmmmm... maybe just me and the Bruceter for dinner Saturday night. A dozen crabs, a cold brew & a mini Brisco marathon... yeah!
Seems like Bruce Campbell is for you like Morten Harket is for me. :)
I only have one answer Ladies:
" Oh Hella Yeah"
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