The picture above is of the late Ingrid Bergman at the age of 14.
Below is a character that I am currently working on for the RPG and is a work in progress.
I will be coming back to this post to add/edit as it is easier for me here...just trust me here.
Agnes Louise Brown
Agnes Louise Brown was born in London on July 14 , 1903 to Dr. Andrew Brown , Deputy Director of the British Museum and the late Eugenia Marie Brown, nee Broussard.
After graduating from a small finishing school in Lucerne at the age of 15 , she returned to London to pursue her studies in languages and antiquities, rather than enter into an arranged marriage. She works part time at the Museum as an unpaid assistant in acquisitions two days a week and would work more if permitted.
Personal Backround:
Dr. Andrew Brown was born in London on May 5'th 1873 to an upper class family which traces it's roots back to Edinburgh,Scotland and the world of academia. Prior to his now 8'th year at the Museum , he was a full professor of Philosophy at Oxford. An undisclosed medical issue prevented him from serving in the war and some family archives suggested cholera. He married the late Eugenia Marie Broussard , age 21 in Rouen , Normandy. In 1904 , Eugenia gave birth to their only child , daughter Agnes Louise , later passing away on October 9, 1907.
When his daughter was of a suitable age, much in part to the insistence of his late wife's family, Agnes was sent to a proper finishing school in Lucerne.
Agnes did unusually well in school and though quiet , was well liked by her peers and generally popular. She showed some unique promise in the arts, specifically watercolours but had neither the drive nor ambition to develop this early talent. When asked, she explained that she had some small memories of her Maman at and easel and worked at art more as a homage to her mother than a avocation. Agnes also knew that there was some small talk of distant relatives on her mothers side being involved in the Bohemian Art movement and she was not so sheltered as to not know this just wasn't done
.Feeling more at home in London, she returned to be presented with the finality of an arranged marriage.
Surprisingly defiant, she refused any consideration of the idea and after many heated rows, finally promised her father that she would not give her final answer for the time being. Both sides hoped the other would surrender and as an additional bargaining chip, Agnes was allowed to pursue her real passion, the archives and departments of the British Museum. She hoped to study with her father and his peers in order to become close to the older, taciturn man, but in truth, after a while , Dr. Brown forgot all about her even being there at the Museum. Devoted to his studies, his self sufficient daughter rarely registers except at an occasional dinner at home. Each still suffers the loss of Eugenia but can find no common solace.
Agnes herself is an attractive girl , but unlike her social peers is not consumed with vanity or self indulgence . Small of stature, she is however surprisingly clumsy at times when preoccupied with a book or problem to solve. Her mind is sharp and organized and while not opposed to voicing an opinion, she prefers to listen to all sides before speaking. Some however are put off by her stillness, remarking that at times they simply forgot she was even in the room . Nicknamed " Wren " by her peers, she is happily unaware of their occasional pity towards her inevitable spinsterhood. Happier with a dead language than lace or silk, she is that odd component...the person you are likely to forget about until you have need of them .
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