Friday, October 29, 2010
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday !

Drum Roll Please ~!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Quiz Pt 1
The movie adaptation of Douglass Adams " A Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy ."
Sherlock Holmes .
Bilbo Baggins .
Answer to follow.
Aunty Pol
Quiz Answer

Self Explanitory

Almost There Gang ...Amost There !

Yes , if Sgt . Panda Pants had the moxie, this is what I imagine he'd be doing.
Assuming he stayed awake long enough to open Facebook.
I am almost all caught up on some stuff , the operative word being almost.
Funny thing tho , I was boppin around the innertubes when I came across a new bloggy. As is my custom, if I like the blog enough to read more than one post , I add it to favorites which is as of today , the only thing in my life that is larger than the number of shoes that I own,,,,LMAO...sad but true .
If I really like a blog , I peruse their links because more often than not there are things in common that I will find in other blogs...the occasional male idiocy ( no dear..not you , not today at least ) ...cats, food, cooking, science fiction , shopping, gardening, my love for "colorful language" and why on an almost daily basis the idiot meat bags that I have to endure/work with piss my ass off...you know..all the dainty and demure things that make Aunty Pol Aunty Pol.
So there I was reading another authors take on a particular epp of "Bones" , which I found myself agreeing with ..so I popped over to her links area...blah de blah,,scrolling...scrolling...this seems familiar...blah de blah..scrolling.....
Egad !
C'est Moi !
Um..AP honey..when did you change the layout for I'm Fat..Oh really ?..
YOU FAKED MY ASS OUT And that is not easily done Missy !
Good Job Girl !
Still surfing the innertubes.....lah de dah de dah
Aunty Pol
Monday, October 25, 2010
If It's Monday ~ It's John Barrowman Time ~!

Friday, October 22, 2010
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday ~

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Crying Wolf Is Still A Bullshit Manuever

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Go to :
I am a complete fan girl of TWOP, and while often their reviews are better than the actual shows...( Smallville !) ..you have to read their stuff.
And then watch Caprica.
I swear to BAST , I was sorta iffy about the whole prequel bit and then I got an all day marathon...and BONUS..James Marsters as Barnabas.....GO SPIKEY GO SPIKEY GO SPIKEY.
Trust me, your Pol won't steer you wrong.
FRAKIN A people.
Aunty Pol who must get back to the recap.
USS Catfish

Monday, October 11, 2010
If It's Monday ~ It's John Barrowman Time ~!

Friday, October 01, 2010
Bruce Of The Day ~ Happy Friday ~

Happy Friday !
First and formost, a Happy Anniversary shout out goes to Sistah and Double Oh Mullet...33 years of wedded bliss today my friends...dayum ! Let me know how the new restaurant is when I get out there..
Secondly. A Huge Happy Birthday goes out to the crazy Cajun..yeah yeah yeah...we all know that SU will forever be older than you sweetie..but I have a news flash for the both of you,,you will always be older than me so shut it you old farts.
It's been a mixed bag this week , but thankfully more good than bad. I am happy happy joy joy that I can get to the hairdresser a week from today so that I can get the color redone, trust me... Between the wedding and vacay, there is no way on God's Green that I am going to go shaggy with the ever growing white thatch that is my Grandmother's genetic legacy. Part of the bad this week is the good old coverage/out thing that usually pisses me off since I can't in all good conscience take the 3 or 4 hours when one of the other two is out. Of course the fact that neither one has worked a full week in the last two months for one reason or another is beside the point.
The weather is beautiful and I want to be on the patio with Sgt. A. P. Pants...and a beverage...I know..Daisey Mae Wah !
Have a great weekend..and Lady L..I don't know if the bad weather is affecting you in B'More so be careful Sistah..
Aunty Pol