Greetings Dearhearts......I'm BACK !
Yes..flee the village, your Aunty Pol is back from her all too brief sojourn in the the wilds of the Pacific Northwest.
I have made a commitment to myself that I will once a year descend upon the Sistah and Double Oh Mullet for some sanity. I am lucky enough to have friends of ..oh shit....damn near 30 years that don't care for anything more than the simple fact that we are together and that we will always have each others backs. That sort of honesty is rare and something I guard with a vengeance.We've seen ourselves at our best and worst and love each other because of it all, not in spite of it all. I cannot ever, ever recall a moment where there has been a cross word much less an angry one between us...ever. I've never been mad in the least at either one of them and doubt that I would know how to be.....my hand to God.
Before you all pass out from the sweetness and light here..don't get me wrong..double oh and I are famous if not infamous for the way we go after each other...usually beginning with a very animated " F*ck You Inset actual name here"...as we all fall over laughing. If Double Oh and I ever stop picking on each other , the victim would be running to Sistah in a panic.."Is so and so MAD at Me ? What's wrong..is he/she okay ? "...We've always been that way..I treat him like the idiot younger brother that always just breaks me up...
Example....From that animated movie with the talking dog..well...." Squirrel..glancing away" has gotten to be out new thing to the point that I used it as the code text to let them know that I was safely home..
Yes..we are all over 50..and still thinking we are all 20 ..and as we said more than once..with an inordinate amount of pride , I might add..." And...we never landed in jail.....". My Godson is old enough now that he just rolls his eyes when he is not having apoplexy over the slings and arrows that his father and I launch at each other. Godson's wife I am sure just thinks we are nuts and lets it all go....secretly grateful I suspect that I live in Texas and thus she will not have this on a daily basis.
The weather was amazing and it is a gift that we are all happy to veg, having not fallen prey to the bane of all vacations...over scheduling. Double Oh poor baby had to work most of the weekend because Moi had to pick one of the busiest at WSU..Dad's weekend, Orange County Choppers, Tim Allen in concert , opening of deer season and pheasant season....can I pick 'em or what. I really want to pick a better time so that he can take some time to goof off too....yep..I had a bit of the guilts about it all..sorry dude. Your lovely bride and I had lunchies with dah chillins , saw Sadie's soccer game..had girl time...I will try to get a time when we can all fart around.
Sistah..I got the box with the clay pot..worked perfect for what I wanted by the way and oddly enough none of my tribe freaked out at all about the smell of Shania, Buster or Molly.
The Momma was not punished,...who knew ?
Work and life here is the same...and I miss you all so much.
Squirrel !
Aunty Pol
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