Hi..Sgt. A.P. Pants here.
I have had to remove my mommy from the bloggy since she almost blew her cool over the last post .
I did this brave act on behalf of all of the kittehs at Casa De Swamp since we don't have thumb thingys and she does.
She is more generous with the treats and the nip ( no Munchie, it is not caturday yet..that's eleventy eight sleeps from now ) than Daddy is so we have to keep her around.
I am however , still hissed off at her for the rough cat handling I had to endure when she and the Daddy put that Krep ( Advantage ) on my furs last night.
I'd better get 2 pawsfull of treats tonight.
Check the above sight and remember we furr babies love you...you have the thumb tbingys after all .
Meow for now.
Sgt. A. P. Pants
Patio Patrol HQ
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