The below is posted/copied by permission from Sue over at http://www.pitterpatterofbabycats.blogspot.com/ .
As I have always said ..bluntly...if I am asking you all to do something I will say so..no namby pamby in my shakedowns..thank you very much.
It's kitten season...so please read and consider the following. This applies to puppies too...Aunty Pol loves all de bebes.
I'm forwarding a message received from Monica, our Volunteer Coordinator. It occurs to me that this time of year, the same message could no doubt be sent from a number of shelters and rescues.Please consider helping a shelter in your area. There are scads of babies being born that need to be fed.Thank you!As moms and babies roll in, we like to supplement their diets with canned cat food. They seem to do better on the chunky, sliced in gravy kind (Friskies, Meow Mix, etc) as they can slurp up the gravy as well as chunks.Whatever you can provide is appreciated and very helpful. This will get these special guys the extra good stuff they need (including the moms) so they can pack some weight on and be ready for altering and their new homes.The donations can be placed in my office so they can go directly to the vet staff/foster area and not be mistaken for food bank supplies. Customer Service can write up any donation receipts you might need for your records.
There are shelters in every ones area.
There are donation boxes at the front door of both Petco and PetSmart.
Google your local ASPCA or Humane Society.
Google " No Kill Shelters " in your area.
Ask your vet.
Ask a pet parent.
Ask a pal.
Thank you all for reading this.
Blessed Be.
Aunty Pol
1 comment:
Thank you, thank you, Auntie!!
Tomorrow I'm running a bunch of noms over to my local shelter. They put out a plea a couple of weeks ago and another gal and I spread the word at work that we'd schlep it over to the shelter if people would bring it in to work. Didn't get quite the response we were hoping for, but we're going to put it out there every week this spring.
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