Well , I hope everyone had a fab weekend...we sure did .
Paws crossed , I think that I have turned a corner with all of this bronchial crap tho it is still hard to sleep. Only time will tell , the coughing up a lung is getting a bit old , but as we ( SU and I ) are more than fond of saying :
" It is what it is ....till it ain't"
Hisself went up to a classic car rally north of us which was fine...he had been veering towards a case of Cabin Fever , as is his habit ....so being smarter than the average bear I replied:
" Be off with ye knave...here is some beer money...begone."
Actually it was more like :
" Meh..whatevs...and of course you need beer money....here ya go."
Sorry gang...love the man to death , but after 2 weeks of being sick, the Casa needed cleaning and I can just get more done alone.
Anyhoo...chores all got done just as my brother pulled up to the curb.
You see...he had called the night before and spoke to SU.
SU : Hello ?
B ( Brother ) : ..Hi it's me.
SU : What's up ?
B : Ummmmm ( Insert Ruh Roh here )...Is there any way that I can borrow $100.00 ?
SU : What's going on ?
B : Well...I'm moving and I need money for Buster ( B's cat). It's been 3 weeks since we've had any hot water here and I can't take it any more so I am moving.
SU : Okay......
B : See here's the thing. At the new place, I let it slip about Buster and now I need to pay the pet deposit. I can pay $100.00 down and then the balance off every month . Man , .......I really don't want to board him in a kennel if I can help it and I think my track record is pretty good here.
SU : Well...let me talk to your sister ( Moi ) and she will call you back.
So ...I get the story and said ok. Then I got the bit about the kennel.
I called my brother back and right off the bat said that my nephew was NOT going to be boarded.
I quote:
So he came by Saturday and got the loot and hung out for a bit.
He knows that if I have it for a valid reason, of course he can borrow it.
He prides himself on paying me back.
As he should.
I told him to wait to pay me back until Buster is out of hock so to speak because that's how I roll.
All in all....good weekend...clean casa....paws and claws done....helped the Brother .
All is good.
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol....Defender of Cats everywhere.
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