Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sundays In The Garden

It finally feels like a normal Sunday here at the Casa.
Pruning was done by the SU yesterday for which I am grateful.

Thank you honey, it helps a lot.
Well....that and having the NG arrange with Eric to haul off the big limbs in his Chevy. This is one of those times that I do actually miss having a pickup .
SU surprised me with a few pots of Geranimo's so I got those in the pots on the patio. Empty pots are just too depressing for me to look at.
SU also said that Lowes has some Hydrangeas at a pretty decent price and I think that there are 3 in the front bed that are going to make it.
Unfortunately, the Bridal Wreath Spirea and the Lantana....not so much so out they came. I may just put more Hydrangeas in those empty spots...
The Roses are another thing altogether. One of them is doing really well on the fence line with the Crazy neighbor...she's not really....but she is a whole other story. There is a Texas AG extension variety of Roses that has been bred for the Gulf Coast heat so I am on the hunt for at least one of those.
I do hope that the Carnation of India and the Duranta make it...keeping paws crossed.
I'm still debating on the herbs and have decided that I do want an Esperanza somewhere in the beds.
SU is going to build me a gardening bench this spring so that I can get rid of all of the crap in the corner....yes will be finally gone.
Other than the continuing issue of Xena and food...all is well here.
Have a great week.....and be cool on St. Pat''s OK ?
I'd like to keep the readers I have around...we are small but mighty.
Aunty Pol


HubbleSpacePaws said...

No worries, I'll be behavin' meself! St. Paddy's is a workday this year, after all, and I'm old so that actually means something. ;-)

Jealous. I'm so jealous. It rained all weekend so, even though it was technically warm enough to go out, I really would have been playing in the mud. I am happy, though... all the perennial herbs made it - even the rosemary (ARP variety). The herb bed got the "shove off" from the awning as well as 40+ inches, so I was dreading the big reveal.

Aunty Pol said...

I am going to trry to grow some herbs in pots...any advice ?
