You have to check out Mr. Linky above.
I've been following a lot of blogs that have the most wonderful layouts in their design. Two that come to mind are Calamity Anne's :
Between the design and the foods ( shrimp..you had me at boil in beer sweetie) and the crafts ...it's a visual treat.
The other is of course :
If I mention Ree's blog anymore , I might qualify as a stalker....kidding....I kid....I'm just that way.
I've not been doing this blog thing for very long, only a few years and anyone can tell...the first year or 2, I was finding my feet so to speak...
There is no theme, no topic , other than what amuses me or the things that I am passionate about...kitteh's , cooking , my friends and what I find clever in other peoples blogs or writing.
It's not meant to have a topic or a soapbox...I leave that to others who are more adept than Moi.
Every once and a while , I find something charming like the above pictures. It appears that the link above is a compilation of free digital art and some that is for sale. While I don't scrapbook and can't draw a straight line..even eyeliner can be a challenge...I know that some of y'all do that sort of thing so check it out.
I am not going to lecture on copyright issues even though I do try to be polite and mindful about it. I work for lawyers for Chrissake and hear that KREP all friggan day .
Anyhoo...enjoy ....and remember tomorrow is " Ask Dr. Baltar" day.
Aunty Pol
P.S.....Looky ! I finally figured out the add a badge thingy for the blog ...ain't I just friggian brilliant ?
1 comment:
I officially hate you, woman. Officially.
I desperately need to lose weight and you keep pushing Mis Ree at me. I have deliberately NOT added her to my blog roll because, well, you know I have no self control when it comes to food. So what happens today, I follow Mr. Linky because Aunty told us to and I saw Hot Murphy and Tom's Trinidad Chicken and I must have them. Must. I hate you.
And then I hate you some more because you are threatening to run my renovation waaaaay over budget. What do I see discounted 35% yesterday at the outlet store? I'll show you what I saw yesterday. http://www.kenmore.com/shc/s/p_10154_12604_02279523000P?keyword=30%22+kenmore+pro+dual+fuel+range. Dual fuel. 13 adjustable shelf positions. 27,000 freaking BTU burner. Convection. Integrated temperature probe. Above average Consumer Report rating in every category. And it would fit in my little kitchen. And there's an optional stainless back splash with shelf ('cause I wouldn't have already spent enough, of course).
I actually considered it because I thought, "Now wouldn't that make Aunty drool if she saw it in my new kitchen?" And then I actually considered upgrading all the appliances 'cause you can't have that in your kitchen and not have all pro lookin' stainless appliances. And now I'm thinking how easy it would be to whip up that Trinidad Chicken on it. I must call my sister to beat some sense into me. *sigh*
I hate you, honey.
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