Thursday, March 18, 2010


I saw this in PW this morning and went to the website below.
Go and check it out.

It's a wonderful idea , giving women the tools to escape the kind of hell that you and I can only imagine.
I think I may have found my birthday prezzie.
As always when I post something like this, I an really not asking you to donate or buy or anything unless it is for Myron or another kit in need.
In that case, such as Myron, I will flat out tell you that it's a shakedown ...for a good cause n all but nevertheless , a shakedown.
I have always been fascinated how a small change can produce amazing getting your roots retouched, so when I come across something'll find it here.
All I can say is that the prints are gorgeous , and they appear to have a size that I can do...
It does appear that the tops and the pants are priced can always use a tee that you already have or order the set.
Off to browse...
Aunty Pol

1 comment:

HubbleSpacePaws said...

What a great organization.

*sigh* Gotta go on a diet, though!