You really have to feel sorry for dogs that end up in Hello Kitty fanatic homes. Whether they are putting you in Hello Kitty dog clothes, placing a Hello Kitty muzzle over your nose, putting you in a Hello Kitty doghouse, placing a Hello Kitty head over your own or forcing you to get a Hello Kitty tattoo, life pretty much sucks all the way around. Of course, a Hello Kitty fanatic won’t stop there. When you old and you can no longer walk on your own, your owner will promptly embarrass you to no end by getting you a Hello Kitty dysplasia orthopedic brace:
Hello Kitty Dog Hip Dysplasia Orthopedic Brace
Thankfully, I can sleep easier at night knowing that the hubbs won't be asked to make this up.....it's weird enough at times to hear about their work as it is......and by weird , I mean droning on and on and on and on and on...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Sorry dear, it is what it is.
Aunty Pol
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