Keep going

Hello Kitty ATM Card

Keep going.......
Keep going.......
Are your eyes bleeding yet ?

Hello Kitty Air Purifier
Be brave....keep scrolling
Hello Kitty Hoover
Come on ...stay wiith me here.....onward......
Almost over, aren't you the brave ones ?

Hello Kitty Curb Appeal
Thankfully, I doubt that there is any real chance that this will ever end up on HG TV. But then again , they do have " I Survived A Japanese Game Show " on ABC.
Don't get me wrong , the show has some completely hillarious moments..but I have to draw the line somewhere.
Sorry for all the gaps in the photo's
Aunty Pol
LMAO... I'd seen the Hello Kitty house... but an assault rifle?? Dog stuff?? Including medical hardware???
Oh, wait, what's this... blood trickling from my eye... gotta go...
I think all the space in the posting was some kind of automatic safety device that the Internets installed to keep too many people from viewing the post and going insane.
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