The Stars of SkyMall
Image courtesy of PC World
Wine Glass Holder NecklaceAbsentminded lushes rejoice: Never again will you have to wander around a dinner party wondering, "Where did I set down my wineglass?" With the handy Wine Glass Holder Necklace, your glass will always be right where you can find it -- suspended in front of your chest.Just clip the glass's stem to the plastic holder and you'll have both hands free to raid passing hors d'oeuvres trays with a vengeance. But be wary of sudden, erratic movements, as the holder puts your glass in dangerous proximity to your shirt, making dry-cleaning bills a common hazard. To avoid fashion faux pas, you should probably wear this accessory only with ensembles that include a fast-drying burgundy shirt and black pants. The Wine Glass Holder Necklace consists of a piece of plastic that fits around the stem of a wine glass, and a nylon lanyard that goes around your neck -- and for all that fine material you'll pay only $24.95! -- Robert Strohmeyer
I swear to Gaia, if this crap actually sold , I'd buy a drycleaning bidness so fast ....
Aunty Pol
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