You have to wonder if the Grand Old Partiers (GROPERS) in Harris county are just plain stupid when it comes to ethics reforms. Harris County Commissioners are looking at some simple ethics reforms such as voluntary registration by lobbyists (like voluntary jail time for sex offenders) or posting all financial disclosure forms online, or mandatory ethics training.Mandatory ethics training might have made Commissioner Jerry Eversole think twice before traveling around the country buying antique books, authentic cowboy chaps or a $25,000 antique pistol with his donors money, or spending a day golfing and working out on county time, but look what Eversole thinks about ethics reforms:
"I have had my problems, but my problems are getting worked out. This is putting something into the air that doesn’t need to be put there because the majority of Harris County government has been good."
Uh...like former Harris County DA Chuck Rosenthal who resigned? Or how about Ed Johnson of the Tax Assessor Collector's office? Or Paul Bettencourt who quit two weeks after being elected? How about other GROPERS like Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, or State Senator Dan Patrick. Or State Representatives Rob Eissler and John Davis. All who have been fined tens of thousands of dollars by the Texas Ethics Commission.
Eversole should be the last to be talking. Over the last year and half he has spent over $40,000 in legal fees probably because of Wayne Dolcefino's three part investigation or the ethics complaint that was filed against him for using his campaign money for personal use.
The GROPERS of Harris County are about as interested in ethics reform as Sarah Palin is in joining the local Toast Masters Club. Ethics reform is just a talking point and campaign issue that keeps going and going and going. Just like the abortion issue, the flag burning issue, the immigration issue, and any other issue they do nothing about.
They are a bunch of do nothing party of GROPERS.
The above is brought to you by : http://www.bayareahouston.blogspot.com/
Have a great weekend.
Aunty Pol
1 comment:
*sigh* Every state has got 'em, Auntie. I'm from MD. 'Nuff said.
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