I know, I know , this is what happens when I read other bloggers that I greatly admire like Miss Ree and see the TONS of comments that she gets.
I mean really...we are both blogging gals so there is not MUCH difference...except...
1. She is amazing...a Goddess amongst bloggers.
2. Same as above for the photography.
3. Her content is charming, engaging, witty, shiny and educational.
4. Her hair is longer.
5. She is thinner.
But other than that it's much the same.
All kidding aside, she had some very good tips about blogging and one that stuck out the most is the need to use your authentic voice. Write as if you are talking to your sister ..and the Sistah can attest , I hope that this blog is much the same as our many insane phone calls and e mails..I hope..
That and do not blog about stuff you wouldn't talk about in the normal course of a conversation.I do that out of both respect for the people in my real life..your sanity and the fact that there are some topics at my age I still cringe at...including but not limited to genital art/modification...so there will be no talk of anyones vajayjay getting bedazzled or brazilioned ( is that a word even ..Snaggletooth voice goes here). Waxing will be confined to the brow/lip/face that Miss Tina does on yours truly...( do not laugh all you younger gals....your day will come with this issue.)or the beauty treatment that Miss Lola gets from her daddy.
There won't be any ripping someone a new one unless of course they deserve it or I have already said it to their face , because you know that I will do that .
I may not get more political than the laughing off of my ample ass and the about to be breaking news story about how the City of Houston completely screwed the pooch on the bidding/awarding of the light rail contracts that are under investigation as the former mayor of the city is running for Governor...most excellent timing there gang...Personally I can''t wait to see the Kinksters comments on this Boondoggle.
I know that stuff has been going on so I know that Lady Lisa will be back when she can and that PG will still kick ass at work while lusting after Morton and that Calamity Anne rocks her hatch chili's and is braver than I will ever be ....so " mah peeps " are still here...and I miss all y'all.
Have a great rest of the week .
Aunty Pol
Hugs, honey... I just got up and for some reason, after answering nature's call, decided to check your blog instead of waiting for the weekend. Clearly your post was calling to me!! :-)
Sorry I've been gone so long. I haven't been reading anyone or posting. Put up my first post in two weeks tonight 'cause the kids are getting snipped tomorrow and such an auspicious event must be noted. Between Grey (yeah, I did a little depression dip after he crossed), work, family, household construction and church, life has been mucho crazy!
I miss you too!!! The only plus to being behind is that if I don't feel good again tomorrow, I'm going to stay home and have a marathon catch up session!! LOL!
So, more hugs and be back regularly, soon, sweetie!
Oh, and PS- you are too a goddess among bloggers. At least imho.
While you're right on the photography, I'll trust you on the hair and body mass, and I'm not sure what shiny is... you do qualify as charming, engaging, witty and, occasionally, educational! ;-)
I love your blog!
Have a nice time!
No sweetie , It wasn't honest to Bast..I was in the midst of a massive pity party..love ya sistah
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