Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day !
In honor of this, SU made chili today...and cupcakes tho do not ask me why cupcakes seem to go with this but they do. He got up at oh dark thirty as is his habit...Miss Jeri Lee and I slept in until 8-ish since we found the diesel in the white Russian Daiquiris that I have stored in my freezer for over a year
Hey be proud of me..If I didn't buy it , I'm not gonna tap it !
I'm off for a nap so I'll catch all y'all tomorrow.
" They're Not So Much Rules As They Are Guidelines.."
Bloody Aunty Pol
No. No, I must ask why. Chili I got. But cupcakes?????
Have a great snooze and then party hearty, matey! Arrrr!
Hisself just wanted to do cupcakes...we both bake but I think he's got the cupcake bug from me..girl I had to laugh..he knew and where the sprinkles were...
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