I found this recipe on one of my favorite web sites..Tasty Kitchen, you all have heard me blather on about Ree Drummond of thepioneerwoman.com fame .
Go over to PW or P'Dub as I call it and on the far right side of the home page is the link for tasty Kitchen, go there.....go there now.
I think that Ree has said that she started the blog in 2006 and as the readership grew...and grew..and grew...( trust me..if you have ever entered one of her top notch giveaways...34 thousand replies is not unusual ) and lo and behold the readers started submit recipes to her.
Along with writing one of my favorite cookbooks ( a second one is promised Sistah..don't even think of buying it ...) Ree created Tasty Kitchen. TK is a free website where you can read about, submit and archive recipes from other members that you have in your very own recipe box. It's super convenient to have this at home so that I can just print out a recipe I need or road test one like I did on Sunday.
This pork loin recipe is from TK member Melanie and her Blog is My Kitchen Cafe. the photo above is hers also .
Brown Sugar Spiced Loin
For the Rub:
2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 1/2 ( about 2 ) Pork Tenderloins cut into 2 chunks
2 Tablespoons olive oil.
For The Glaze:
1 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic ( I used the minced in the jar..it was fine)
1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce ( of course I added a TINY bit more )
In a small bowl stir together the salt, pepper, cumin , chili powder and cinnamon.
Coat the pork with the spice rub.
Heat the oil in a heavy oven proof 12 inch skillet ( I used my enamel coated dutch oven ) over medium heat till the oil is hot and rippling.
Brown the pork turning it so all sides are browned ..about 4 minutes.
Leave the pork in the skillet or oven proof pan..OR..place in a foil lined 9 x 13 pan.
Mix the sugar, garlic and Tabasco together and pour over the pork.
Place in the oven at 350 degrees with the oven racks in the middle of the oven and bake until your meat thermometer says 140 degrees when inserted diagonally...about 20 - 25 minutes depending on the size and thickness of the loins.
Let the pork stand/rest for about 10 minutes as the carry over heat will make the temperature rise to 155 degrees.
Slice and serve with the sauce from the pan...
Die happy.
I served this with Spanish Rice ( ok..I was lazy and used Uncle Ben's 90 second microwave..don't judge -LOL- It was GOOD ) and hubby bought some nice red wine and sourdough bread.
He liked it enough that he went back for thirds..Jeri Lee said that the recipe was a keeper and I liked it enough that I would be more than happy to serve it at a dinner party. The flavor of the Spanish Rice was just the right compliment to the sweetness of the pork..great for sandwiches and left overs. I bought the pork at Super Tarjay and it was a Hormel one for about $7.25 each..I bought 2. They were done in 20 minutes due to the size so cooking time will depend on the size of the meat and if you don't have a meat thermometer..ask Santa Paws...you need one.
There was some stuff going on at work so I just didn't feel like posting Barrowman Mondays..never fear...JB will return.
Have a great week...and go visit www.thepioneerwoman.com
Aunty Pol
OMG! Friday nite dinner fer sure! Thanks Aunty!
(Please note, no chastising today. To quote the immortal Max Kellerman, this is pure protein!)
PS... I've been jonesing for this since I read about it, so I'm back to hating you again.
Your former friend,
Oh. My. God.
How freaking good is this????
Oh. My. God.
OK, I didn't make it exactly as written. I went tenderloin hunting this afternoon but found a loin roast/chops/country rib family combo for $3.29 a pound so I got that instead. And then I saw boneless chicken thighs on sale, so I got them, too.
Got home, froze the chops, all but two of the country ribs, and all but two of the chicken thighs. Yes, I decided to give the "treatment" to a couple of thighs and ribs as long as the oven was in action and see what happened.
Heaven. That's what happened.
Realized I was just about out of Tabasco when I got home so I substituted "Endorphin Rush, Beyond Hot Sauce" for it. Nice kick!! But then I like spicy!
Do not tell anyone, but I ate enough for 3, maybe 4 people. One of the ribs, one of the chicken thighs, and about 1/4 of the loin. Gad, it was good!! You know, it was the "just one more little piece" syndrome.
The loin roast turned out perfectly at 25 min. I took the ribs and chicken out at 15 min., since they were skinnier. It wasn't early enough for the country ribs (a tad dry, but more sauce cured that... I think it might be possible to do them on top of the stove... will try that next time). The boneless thighs were perfection. In fact, I liked the thighs just as much as the loin roast.
Used my trusty 12" cast iron skillet and, belatedly, realized I am stupid. It didn't occur to me when I grabbed the pan that, while it is oven safe, I'd have to clean a blazingly hot skillet before the sugary sauce cooled and took out my lovely seasoning ... so there I was, while the roast rested, VERY carefully doing the hot water rinse out of, what amounts to, culinary napalm (to coin an AB phrase). Glad to report both the pan and I came through it unscathed.
HOWEVER...My dutch oven is seasoned cast iron, too, so now I'm jonesing after Le Creuset's, 6.5 qt dutch oven in either cobalt blue or dijon... again. Damn you, Aunty! This darn recipe is going to cost me a frackin' fortune.
Oh, PS, grabbed a packet of Uncle Ben's 90 sec Spanish Rice whist at the store... you were right, it is good with that sauce! :-)
Sorry for the extra comments there, hon... Blogger said it wasn't taking it 'cause it was too big, but it lied.
I'm baaaaaack!!
Are you ready... that sauce rocks with shrimp, too.
I was poking around in the fridge, wanting an easy late dinner and what did I find? A small bowl of sauce left over from the roast, waaaay in the back. Hmmmmm....
I put on enough jasmine rice for one to cook in veggie broth. After it came up to a boil, threw in a couple of handfuls of frozen veg, and topped with about 1/3 lb IQF, shelled shrimp (I don't usually get shelled but needed them for something or other and they'd been languishing in the freezer ever since). When the rice was done, so were the veggies and shrimp. I drizzled the sauce (warmed in the microwave) over it all and... yummmmmm!
Brought out the best in even lackluster shrimp. Can't wait to try it with the good stuff!
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