Monday, July 07, 2014

If It's Monday It's John Barrowman Time !

Happy Post I hope y'all survived the 4'th .

I was surprised this year that we had as many fireworks in the subdivision as we did . A few years ago when we were under a drought/no fire/no burn ban , I didn't think a lot about it . I assumed that folks had the common sense not to and with the exception of the Pyro that lives directly behind me on a cul de sac , every one paid attention. After that there has been an increasing amount of the boom booms until this year.

This year sounded like the DMZ the whole weekend.

Gracie Marie was not a happy kitty.

Nor was her Mama .

I know it's fun and all dudes and we have had a lot of rain but some of us want to actually get some sleep at some point before the coming dawn....without passing out in order to do so .

Sheesh !

SU was off campus for almost the entire weekend so I was able to get a lot done and Gracie only moderately fussed about her incarceration so that was all good but as usual my to do list is way longer than the actual amount of available time so as always I over do...and pay the price.

Oye my back !

At least this weekend I got a day nap on Saturday and we did cook off a decent size brisket so meals are in the clear..

It's clouding up again and they say that we are going to have showers every afternoon which is fine by me..less to water but I seem to be the exception to  the issue. A lot of folks that I work with are really getting po'd about the rain .

They are also the types to get po'd about what ever is the opposite of common sense.

This is the time of year that we really watch with hurricanes. We actively watch the water temp in the Gulf .

We really need the rain about now.

Because of the drought the last couple of years the price of beef , chicken and to a smaller part lamb has gone through the roof.

Produce...forget finding a decent price even at the local markets.

I like sitting on the deck with the kindle listening to the rain on the metal cover.

All I have to do is figure out the new Kindle HD I had to buy Thursday.


Anyone who knows me knows I cannot function without a book of some kind.

And the battery on the old one went kaput.

I did however buy a users guide this time because this new HD is way more complicated that my old one which was only 3 years old ?

First generation Fire.

Anyhoo, the  forums under managing your device (s) is not very helpful. I think they lack a moderator because there is the usual battery  of Trolls there...and I don't have time, the need or interest in engaging that ilk.

I basically want a reader but the screen for the paperwhite is just too small.

I may or may not use the other function, I didn't on the first one so we'll see .

New adventures with electronics........................HUZZAH !

Have a great week.

Aunty Pol

1 comment:

kleinwort said...

Congrats on your new toy... errr... tablet! (Bummer on the early death of the old one.) Fingers crossed on getting up to speed on all the fun capabilities quickly.

Dad had a hip replacement and, to give Mr. Stubborn something to do during convalescence, I bought him an iPad. I say that in all seriousness. Without something to occupy him in a seated position, he'd run around trying to do too much, too soon. We definitely do not need to worry about him getting enough exercise.

Anyway, I chose the iPad because his lady friend (girlfriend just sounds wrong when he's 89 and she's 91) also has an iPad and will help him to actually use it. Aunt Lu, as we call her, is amazing. She's relatively tech savvy. She has more energy than I do - swims every morning - and works (yes, WORKS) at a camp in the summer. Not 'cause she has to, because she wants to. I want to be her when I grow up. But I digress.

Anyhow, I broke down and got me one, too, so we can "face time" and such. Had been holding off on a tablet until my laptop died (Which it will not frakin' do! Definitely a first world problem, eh?) But this gave me the excuse to indulge. I'd been eyeing up the Fire, but Dad sorta changed my direction. After years of kindle reading on my phone, what a pleasure!!

Poor Gracie Marie! Poor Mom! It was a bit louder than normal around here since the local venue didn't do a display. But nobody was still crackin' them at midnight.

Miss Annie is the only one who goes out. I tried to keep her in but she slipped past me. *Boom!* She turned right around and darted back in. Mom much relieved.

Fingers crossed for an uneventful hurricane season for you. (And somewhat for me... sometimes they come up the coast, and then the bay, but not as often as you get nailed.)

Hugs to you, SU and GM from B'more!