Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dude..I hate being sick this time of year

Contrary to popular thought.....

I thought Su would be the one to come home with dah cold.


For the past three days I have fought the ahhh choo's.

I cannot get warm. It's cold down here. I have been hit by a bus. I have turned on the heat. Bundled up. Living in sweats and bankies. Brrr. My hair hurts. Bones ache.

My back hurts from being in bed.

I don't care that I am gonna miss the firms party.

Yeah..all y'all want my germs.

Kill me now.

Going back to bed.

Aunty Pol


liberal army wife said...

I'm so sorry...

Susan said...

I hope you feel better soon. You know what helps me? BIG shot o'whiskey!! and a nap....mmmmm, nap.

Aunty Pol said...

Gurl..please..I have been prone in the bed for 3 days

Fever finally broke.

And now hisself has the crud.

Kill me now

Susan said...

Hmmm, that stinks in a big fashion.

Aunty Pol said...

Heard that Sus..and if one more idgit asks if I am going to the Bloody party..I will be happy to stay awake enough to see Smallville

what a glam life we live...

liberal army wife said...

besides... you have all the photos for use as ammunition from the past few parties.....

Now, is he going to be like brudder... I'll live, I'll die... whatever... whine...


Aunty Pol said...

LMAO..Whine..oh hell yeah....it's worse..." Honey..I'm sorry I sick..can you get me _____ ( fill in the blank )...."

shoot me now