Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Yes, This Qualifies As A Dessert ~ At Least In The Casa.

As much as I do so love to bake, SU and I are really not big dessert eaters  on a daily basis. Hisself is happy with a bowl of BlueBell . I would love to be able  to join him in this but..lactose....yeah.

If we have cookies, I might grab one and cupcakes are a given but more often than not I improvise. I consider it being green and all , not wasting food and nothing is worse than stale baked goods .

Improv Pastry for the win Alex.

Think about it.

After all , what is a dessert pastry ? A baked good preferably with some sort of filling.

All Out ? Never fear.

Do you have a toaster ?
Do you have sliced bread in your preferred format ?
Spreadable butter ?
Nutella ?

Then you my dears ,  have an improvised dessert pastry.

After all , is not bread baked ? Is not pastry baked ?

While a simple piece of bread may look like a croissant's inbred third cousin , take a piece of toast , slap some butter and then Nutella on it, fold in half if you like and VOILA !

You my friend have dessert in the time it takes to get through 2 commercials  during Castle.

Ain't life grand ?

Aunty Pol

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