Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I love Canada

Fattening Fallacies

Coffee Shop Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Me: “Welcome to ****, what can I get for you?”

Customer: “Could I get that donut right there?” *points*

Me: “Sure thing.”

(I put it on a plate and hand it to him.)

Customer: “Can you heat it up for me, please?”

Me: “No problem, I’ll just be a minute.”

Customer: “Put it in for exactly 7 seconds. If you microwave food for 7 seconds, it becomes negative calories. Did you know that?”

Me: “Um…I don’t think that’s how food works.”

Customer: “Well, how would you know, you’re just a part-time employee at a coffee shop.”

Me: “I work part-time to pay for University…where I study health and nutrition…”

Customer: “What are they teaching kids these days?!” *walks away angrily without the donut*

Me: “Have a nice day?”

The above is from :

SU - Do you think this would work on Sister Shuberts ?



Aunty Pol

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