My Grandpa Engwall has been gone for 18 years now which just flattens me , especially during the holidays.
You see, my Grandparents came over from Sweden, and he was a Lutheran preacher( Lutrin ya know ) in Winthrop , Minnesota until his retirement.
Winthrop had a population of 764 at the time of his death by the way., I checked.
A few years before her death from cancer, Grandpa had gone from " Lisbet, is dat coffee done yat ?" to a man who would pontificate on his love for his Amana Microwave to any and all gathered in his kitchen.
My grandma taught me how to bake at an early age and it is the biggest reason that I so love to do it.
Mom was a good cook when she was able to be..to be blunt when she was sober, but she had ZERO patience trying to teach anyone, especially me....anything.
Not Grandma.
Every Saturday afternoon, after the house was cleaned that morning, she would bake for the Guild coffee get together in the Church basement after church services the next day.
The whole time we lived with them, Saturday was the same.
Grandpa would be in his office, polishing up the sermon for the next day , answering calls and handling emergencies that only the preacher can.
Grandma would be baking and my hand to God, 2 pm on the mark..." Lisbet, is dat coffee done yat ?"
The parsonage wasn't that big y'all and he was after all a grown man...but that is the way that they were.
As cancer took first her body and then her mind, he became the primary non medical care taker and he learned to not only cook but bake.
We used to literally fight over Krummkake when the holidays would roll around and for years I have said that among other things, I wanted to get an electric Krumkake maker.
Heresy, I know Grandma , it's not the old school metal thingamabog...which I can't use because of a ceramic cook top.
Anyhoo, I saw the post on Shugary Sweets , toffee being one of those OMG have to check it out lures and after reading the recipe, I was so reminded of Krumkake ...yeah..
Thankfully SU reads this so he knows that I want a cookie gun..honey..I can't make spritz without one...and the electric Krumkake thingy.
Trust me, I'll find room for them.
Have a great week.
Aunty Pol
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